24 x 24 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
24 x 24 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day

It is Friday. I have been painting since seven, then walked a mile, ate my oatmeal and was preparing to start another painting, but have decided to make a fast trip into Dallas to maybe have lunch with my parents. Mom phoned to say Dad was a little under the weather.
I have several pieces sketched out on the canvas ready to go when I return and I will probably be painting all weekend! INSPIRED!!! Truly Inspired.
The sunflower opening was so deep as I worked...the small tidbits of color making up the inner core of the flower reminded me of people in a room or in a city...all different colors and strokes, all different but together making up the central portion of the flower. Then you have the petals stretching open, greeting the sun of the new day.... a new life, a new beginning, a new time...a new age, a new journey. As I finished it I wasn't sure I liked it. As it has hung next to my computer desk I have become deep with in it's content and really appreciate the thick paint and the strokes...almost like you feel pain and pleasure at the same time. Every once in a while you paint something that completes a circle and this painting does.
Mother if you are reading this, make sure you read your Daily Word today. "God I am ready to accept your plan of good for me." This hits right on what we have been talking about in both of our lives. Taking that first step is the hardest, but we are blessed to have God walking with us and to have each other in our family as well. I love you Mom!
Tell someone you care about that you love them!
“For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.”—2 Timothy 1:7