22 X 28 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
22 X 28 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day

My dad is doing fantastic after some adjustments with his heart yesterday. Mom seems relieved so hopefully she will rest easier this weekend! Last night I cleaned out two hall closets and piled books in boxes for Half Price Books. Also finished adding music to my Itunes from all my CD's that I paint by and now will have MANY tunes to listen to instantly with out shuffling plastic boxes around.
Last night I fixed a late dinner for us...part of the RICE DIET we are on....no rice though. I made a recipe for black bean and corn salad witha sweet sour spicey sauce on it. I served it on lettuce with fresh tomatoes from our garden! YUMMMMM. I caught Terry eating ice cream an hour later and informed him that ice cream WAS NOT on the Rice Diet. But I have lost five pounds so far this week....that is good! I only want to loose about 5-10 more and hopefully level there.
The painting I posted was finished yesterday. Painted from the view of squinting when painting and watch the color play outside with all the summer colors weaving together. Playful and rich in tones and paint and of course painted to my new music!
Remember there is power in prayer!
“Isaac prayed to the Lord for his wife, because she was barren; and the Lord granted his prayer, and his wife Rebekah conceived.”—Genesis 25:21
I so love reading your blog...and your meal comments always leave me hungry! What the heck is the rice diet?
Your colors seem even more vibrant and energetic lately!