18 x 27 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
18 x 27 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day

Very thick paint and a delicious palette of color~! I was having a heart to heart with one of my collectors up north, Charlene, and we were visiting about different paintings and how some come naturally and easily and some are a pain. Usually the artist is in the way of work that struggles. Letting go and allowing the inner spirit to come through is difficult at times. Another thorn in the side of creativity is the old thought of competition...trying to paint and sell as someone else does...nothing good ever comes of that. An artist must turn inward to discover who they are. They must allow the creativity from inside to ooze out at will and not try to be someone else or create work like someone else. Dare to be different and be yourself. God created the best in each of us and we must simply allow that to come forward and be at home with it.
Today in meditation it was about blessing and thanking for what you have and waiting on the Lord for His Plan. Oh that is painful right now...but I have my art to keep focused on.
It is already lunch and I have not even had I am heading to the kitchen for an apple and then getting dressed for a wedding shower! WHAT fun!!!
Have a great weekend....
“I want their hearts to be encouraged and united in love, so that they may have all the riches of assured understanding and have the knowledge of God’s mystery, that is, Christ himself.”—Colossians 2:2