Oil on Panel
6 x 6 inches
A Painting a Day
Oil on Panel
6 x 6 inches
A Painting a Day

Friday, Friday, Friday. This painting was done on Thursday. With the muscle pain I am not able to paint very much and with this I could sit and paint! I believe I was able to capture the movement and joy of color and energy even on this small board panel.
My car has made it to the auto repair shop. It is a tough baby and we should know something hopefully late today on its repair. Meanwhile we are working on our repair. Terry basically limped through a two day course he had been scheduled to take four months ago. He was in pain sitting and sitting and then trying to move around out in the sun. It has been a laugh trying to find a doctor to see us. When it is associated with an accident NO one will see you. What is wrong with this picture??? So I have been turned down by our Primary Care Physician, the doctor in our town, the Orthopedic Team the ER referred us to and now I am on hold for another clinic and they can only see one of us.... Go figure.
Have a great weekend!!!
“Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease.”—Mark 5:34
Once again I stand in awe of the Lord speaking to me through my daily word site.