Raining again as we woke up this morning. We were suppose to have our neighbor come mow the acre...Terry definitely can't do it...and now sogginess sets in! LOL....I will be cleaning today and painting this afternoon later. No medical tests today. My MRI is tomorrow. Anyone out there had an OPEN MRI? What is it like? Terry was NOT fond of the closed MRI, decided he would skip that one next time, despite the HANK WILLIAMS they played to try and cover up the noise of the electronic magnets.
I stumbled out of bed at 4:30 this morning as the storm hit to give ANNIE ( the dog) her half of pill to get through the storm. She gets the shakes really severely. Well, I didn't do a good job, I found it on the floor when I finally got up this morning. I am not a good pill giver. Went back and slept another few hours and I am back up ready to work!
Hope your day goes well. Remember God is always present, ALWAYS. Rest assured His love and grace surround you 24 plus hours a day. So when ever things begin to get you down and your frustration or fears begin to mount, try to breathe and know the Lord will hug you tighter and no matter what the journey, he is there with you through all of it. He sees the big plan we have no way of seeing or understanding. We must simply have faith and share our love for Him with others. Share a smile or two today and remember to call someone you love and tell them "I LOVE YOU".
“Guard me as the apple of the eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings.”—Psalm 17:8