Chicago Bound Texas Longhorn
24 x 36 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
24 x 36 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day

I just finished this commission piece for a Texan now living in Chicago. Can you guess they went to UT? This was a peaceful painting for me as I am beginning to get back into my grove of painting. My right hand is still sore but much more functional than it was.
This is one of my pull paintings as I pull color through the surface of the canvas using impasto mixed with the oil...then the longhorn emerges! The paint is again close to 1/4 inch in some places!
Today is my MRI. OPEN MRI, but the man said it would still be noisy...I am not smiling as I woke with a migrane today. We cannot eat either...having blood drawn in an hour so I can't have a cup of hot peppermint tea.
More later...meanwhile be a good steward for all God has given you, the people in your life, your home, the animals....God gives so much to us, every single second...remember to give thanks!
“You have granted me life and steadfast love, and your care has preserved my spirit.”—Job 10:12