Bay Morning
18 X 36 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day.
18 X 36 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day.

This is also the church Terry and I were married in many years ago.
The posted painting was finished yesterday. It is heavily layered with paint and may take awhile to cure! But I had fun with the colors and the play of contrasts through out the painting.
Today I am working on a commission is hydrangea for an upcoming anniversary gift. The hubby saw my last piece and graciously contacted me to do one for his home as a surprise to his wife. The second one is similar to Dad's Red Flowers. It sold off this blog and another person contacted me and I am doing one in a similar size but taller. I am eager to work on it too!
Hopefully later today the kids will come over so we can cook out hamburgers etc. I have cold watermelon, organic white corn on the cob, homemade German potato salad and I still need to plan dessert. Suggestions? I am hoping Justin has Jonathan. We have not seen or heard from our grandson in a long long time. This is the one we helped raise and took care of for the first seven years of his life while his mother was 'on vacation'. He will be ten this year and has changed tremendously since living with her full time. I will just leave that as I wrote it and let your imagination carry itself.
Dare to believe today....dare to believe that the love of our Lord surrounds and upholds you.
“I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one.”—John 17:20-21