Last night was spent in prayer for several hours before falling asleep. It does not surprise me this morning to take in hand my daily word and read the words AWAKEN at the top of the page. At Bible study on Friday night we shared talk over praying for direction to serve God as he needs us, not as we think we should serve, and to allow Him control, and not to control. Being quiet to listen to him is always the hardest thing for me. To lay in bed at night to pray and then listen with an open heart. To be with God is to have a relationship with him, an active daily one...not all GOD WHAT CAN YOU DO FOR ME TODAY....GOD FIX THIS FOR ME TODAY, GOD HELP ME TODAY.... we are definitely needy. We seem to forget to ask, Lord, what can I do for you today? In what manner may I connect with others to spread your love? Lead me to where I may take your light and do your will. Oh, and Lord, thank you. Thank you for the bounty of life you provide, the day, the world, the family and friends, the food...for the sun as it rises, the birds as they sing, the butterfly on the bush, my husband, my children, my home and the dogs at my side. Are you thankful for something?
“My eyes are awake before each watch of the night, that I may meditate on your promise.”—Psalm 119:148