for Niki
Oil on Canvas
16 X 20 inches
A Painting a Day

Wednesday is a serious day working. I have been up since three this morning...leg cramps and noisy trains! I gave up going back to sleep and got up to work. I finished up this puppy for Niki for a summer trip and auction items for the gathering of the Newfies and their folks. I enjoy these freestyle commission pieces that allow you to feel and work the paint as you see it! I had started a brown can turn the canvas sideways and see it...but scraped the canvas. Had a talky repair man that kept me off task and totally ruined my approach on the canvas. SOOO I started over on Monday and finished it off...I turned the canvas and serious GOT TO WORK! But it was fun!
This morning Sunflowers at twilight are on the canvas with deep violets and blues...contrasting the soft yellows...will post it as soon as I finish it!
Enfold someone you love that lives far away in your love today. Pray for them especially so far from you! Don't forget to share a smile and a hug with someone you love.
“I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers.”—Ephesians 1:16