Looking into Grace
24 X 30 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day by Two International Artists!
24 X 30 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day by Two International Artists!

This was a blast. Two artists, Two styles, Two matching palettes for color balance and hours of fun! Can't even begin to describe the energy and the harmony as this painting flew out of our brushes. We debated for hours, days on what to paint. I suggested Annie, since she was here visiting with Conni. We plunked her down on a stool in the studio and I snapped about 15 pictures of her. We studied them and chose the one we used above. We know it is not exact, but the purpose was to use her as an inspiration. We want to donate the painting to a non profit that benefits children and are searching around right now.
Today...gee, clean up a messy studio and house! Catch up with book work and take my vitamins. Conni flew back home late last night arriving home near midnight. Terry and I took 14 packages to Fedex (Warm hello to Denise and Pam!) and I have two for the Post Office today.
It always amazes me the syncopation of the Dailyword.com and where I am with my thoughts. Our painting is entitled "Looking into Grace". It is through GOD we find peace and serenity and quiet grace.
“Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”—Hebrews 4:16