30 X 40 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
30 X 40 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day

Mother's Day was duly celebrated yesterday. Church with my youngest and lunch at my daughter's home. It was lovely. I miss the days of cheerios on a tray at six a.m. That was Morgan's favorite to fix me. The kids would get the old Coca cola tray and on it would be a colorful napkin and a flower Stacey picked ( mother's day is not mother's day with out flowers...ya know, I didn't even get one this year) a bowl of cheerios floating in milk, a glass of orange juice and toast that Justin had made, slightly untoasted, with gobs of strawberry jelly. The best memory is the Parakeet they bought me one year. Their dad had kept it at his office and the bird had gotten loose. They had to catch it! That was my favorite bird...he could talk and carry on conversations with that Television he lived next to! We had him for 7 years I think. Buried him in the backyard in Houston. Memories are cherished!
Hope all is well in your is shipping and packing and cleaning up the studio. I have been painting this weekend on pieces for my New York show. I am doing a cluster of smaller paintings and preparing frames for larger ones.
Grace to you.
“He has made known to us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure that he set forth in Christ.”—Ephesians 1:9