24 x 24 inches
Oil on canvas
A Painting a Day
24 x 24 inches
Oil on canvas
A Painting a Day

Thursday....teaching and the final spring art show. I have kept under wraps the winners that were chosen! Today will only do one painting and that will be AFTER cleaning the entire house and preparing food for tonight! RAIN has kept us muddy, floors muddy from the dogs, rugs wiped out wiht mud...I have much to do today. Am praying it does not rain later....will have to put the dogs in the garage during the to keep the back patio/porch open for eating ability....with NO DOGS!
On my blog tomorrow ...oops...don't know if I can blog tomorrow. Tomorrow is Dallas, DAD, errands for paint, painting deliveries, and a Mother/Daughter banquet at church....busy busy day/night.
Enjoy your day, enjoy the moment and give thanks. Remember the painting I posted of Annie this week? It is on eBay now and is on auction to raise money for the MICHAEL BOLTON Charities (abused children and women) CLICK here to see it and bid!
If you have never experience abuse you cannot possibly realize the depth of the pain.
“The good person out of the good treasure of the heart produces good.”—Luke 6:45
WOW I love this piece! Beautiful colors and composition.
Take care!