Texas Sunflowers Hwy 75
Oil on Canvas
11 x 14 inches
A Painting a Day
Oil on Canvas
11 x 14 inches
A Painting a Day
On with life! Today is finish wash day and prepare for painting this week. I will be working on another sunflower similar to the one above. This one is on auction with ARTBYUS.com. Wish more buyers looked there, much nicer to work with the Togels and this great auction place for art. You might check it out!~ This painting has THICK paint with ridges...and one I would welcome hanging in my own house.
UGH, also have to wash the dogs again. They seem to like to find cool dirt/mud already and are both full of it. With that comes washing and cleaning their beds and mats and the rooms they sleep in. They say we are getting more storms today and tonight and it will be cooler this week. I am enjoying the cooler temps, I am not ready for the summer heat yet.
Hope your week is going well. Happy thoughts bring smiles...share with others today.
“He came to Jesus by night and said to him, ‘Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God; for no one can do these signs that you do apart from the presence of God.’”
—John 3:2