22 x 28 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
22 x 28 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
Thoughts this morning were based for all mothers out there. As I woke this morning I realized how much (Everything) is out of my control. As a mother you are always running around planning things and trying maintain control on a diverse family unit going ten directions at one time. Releasing that control is next to impossible, but has to be done or only anxiety and frustration result. I prayed this morning for all mothers...with thoughts directed not only to the moms of the injured and deceased students from Virginia Tech but also for the mother of the young man that killed and injured so many. Can you even begin to imagine what emotions are rolling through that family and that mother? As a mom you only want what is best for your children and when the child becomes an adult their decisions become their own responsibility, but deep down I know that a mom still feels guilt.
Terry and I spoke yesterday about so many people are out there alone, with out family or a spouse to be supportive of them. We were not even discussing the Virginia Tech event, but were discussing our parents and decisions we face later in aging and being alone. Relevance is to always share a smile and kind words with every person you cross during your day. One smile is contagious and that person will share it with the folks he passes and on and on. So one simple good deed multiples out ten thousand. How simple is that? Share a smile with yourself in the mirror too, and your day will start brighter!
“From his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.”—John 1:16