HORSES galloping to Hong Kong
24 X 24 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
This is a Commission Piece on its way to an interior decorator in Hong Kong!
24 X 24 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
This is a Commission Piece on its way to an interior decorator in Hong Kong!
Neighborhood meeting last night discovered we all have mineral rights under our acreage and there is a gas well being drilled about two miles away that will be providing revenue for the area....could be $0 or it could be $10 or it could be several hundred a month. We had no idea. Terry and I are both environmentalist and really do not like this, but there is not much we can do about it. You will hear more as the process continues!
This painting is going to Hong Kong, along with three others! They horses are excited about the travel. The first painting leaves today and this one and another will follow next Monday.
Yesterday found us planting the trees that arrived! No I haven't had time to breathe or load the pics yet, but I will. We took my visiting cousin into Southlake Texas to eat at a Fabulous Mexican Restaurant...yummmmm and upon arrival at home I made Choc Choc chip cookies to take to the meeting. I left him some here hot!
Today, front flower beds!!! More to come! In a hurry to get it done before the rain.
Mountains of challenges lay before all of us. We must remember despite all of our commitments and responsibilities, we must allow the energy of the Lord to fill our lives as He alone will provide...even doing my flowerbeds! In the words of my mother "let go and let GOD!"
“Jesus answered them, ‘Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, … but even if you say to this mountain, “Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,” it will be done.’”—Matthew 21:21