The Fishing Village
30 X 40 inches
Oil on Canvas
SOLD Commission Piece
A Painting A Day
30 X 40 inches
Oil on Canvas
SOLD Commission Piece
A Painting A Day
I really enjoyed painting this one and will probably do another similar to explore it further!
We are expecting MEGA storms today so I am going to finish up a painting and clean house. Makes sense doesn't it? If a mega storm is coming with tornadoes you clean house right? Wrong, you stay busy, altho I am debating unhooking my outside drives to put them ina safe place...will have to just watch the weather. I was suppose to go into Dallas today, but I did not because of the races at the NASCAR track down the road. It is a zoo/circus and impossible to navigate.
Today's thoughts are about inner harmony in our lives. Harmony of our minds, body and spirit and how we pass this melody on to others that cross our paths during the day. So today, harmonize you spirit and pass it on to others! The sweet melody that carries from you to others will spread the spirit!~
“I will incline my ear to a proverb; I will solve my riddle to the music of the harp.”—Psalm 49:4