Cottages at the Beach
Oil on Canvas
22 x 28 inches
A Painting A day
Oil on Canvas
22 x 28 inches
A Painting A day

The house is quiet...Terry is still sleeping. We will be heading up to Oklahoma later today and of course working on packing and shipping! We spent Easter Sunday on the Road early for Church 65 miles east of us. The Service opened with my favorite Easter Song CHRIST THE LORD HAS RISEN TODAY....and my day was made! From that service we visited our old Sunday school Class where they are studying and debating Timothy and the role of women in the church. That was heated discussion to say the least. We jumped in the car then and hustled over to St Paul United Church of Christ to enjoy services with my parents. The sermon was on Mary finding the empty tomb and how she was frantic to fix everything (like most women are) but being still she found the risen Lord, he was there the whole time, but she was so busy trying to do to do to do, she didn't see him or recognize him. I reached over and grabbed my mother's hand...knowing how most of us Women are so bad about that. Part of the mothering thing trying to fix everything and keeping ourselves so busy, we care not even for ourselves yet remember to focus on the Lord.
The fun and I will do a few more like this just for the fun of it. Cottages at the beach. We used to take the kids to the beach to stay for three weeks at a time. Another mom and I would go, my three and her four kids and we would have a blast. We also took one college age female sitter with us to help keep up with the seven kids! But I have tons of pictures from Crystal Beach near Galveston of the kids playing in the surf and the bright cottages behind them where we stayed....I painted this with a wide brush and tons of paint. It will definitely take a few weeks to dry!
May the peace fill your life today.
“When a woman is in labor, she has pain, because her hour has come. But when her child is born, she no longer remembers the anguish because of the joy of having brought a human being into the world.”—John 16:21