Finally Free
24 X 36 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
24 X 36 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day

It is early and I am heading to the easel to finish up a painting before facing the day and the arrival of out of town travelers. The hard thing yesterday was when Larry and Stacey stopped by to pick up flowers and a book I was lending them. NEVER have I seen my daughter so destroyed and my son in law so broken. They had just finished gathering up pictures and buying a navy coat and slacks for Grant to wear for the service. OH dang this is hard. My daughter is traveling a road I have not been down and I am not of much help here...this is truly not the right order of life to bury your children.
What I do know is my daughter will gain strength from this and will grow. It softens her in some areas and hopefully opens her heart to the Lord's mercy in other areas. Grant is finally free and in the light of the Lord. I HAVE TO FOCUS on that or the tears begin again with the thought of all the emptiness. I am missing him and missing the energy he brought into our lives. I am missing his joy...but in every painting I find him with in my energy.
The photo on the piece above is not great, but the painting in person is very strong.
I am off to start my day. Niki is flying in from Virginia today to help with things here. She is a devoted friend and her energy will be needed.
I am not sure there will be postings solid for the next few days. I have a few things I can put up that are done, but after today I will not paint again until Wednesday.
Grace to you,
In Harmony with God each day, I am preparing for my future.
"They are to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share, thus storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of the life that really is life." 1 Timothy 6:18-19