Texas Landscape
3 ft by 5 ft
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day ...
NOT...this one was four days.
Texas Landscape
3 ft by 5 ft
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day ...
NOT...this one was four days.

I have been overly busy with a down drive on the computer, trying to prepare for a big show tonight in Colleyville, Texas with the Four Branch Ranch....and I am behind in painting as well as regular work. Today I must prepare lessons for one of my moms that will teach the kids while I am gone...or I may just cancel class...I am debating on this one. Wish my co teacher was here...she is in Guam. Para-sailing and snorkling. ... the life!
Gotta run, I am BEHIND on life and have to try and catch up slightly today.
Grace to you all, I have missed you.
"Grace be with all who have an undying love for our Lord Jesus Christ." Ephesians 6:24