18 x 36 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
18 x 36 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day

The Longhorns are done...I had started them last week and finished them up yesterday along with some Wolves in the snow...two more Horizon Animal Palette Knife Painting. This is a detail close up of how the knife works with the paint.

I started doing these animal horizon knife paintings last summer. ( Wolves, horses, buffalo, longhorns, horses, elk etc) They are quite unique and my work is well recognized. It is the basic principle of a horizon and animals running toward you with stragglers behind. It was brought to my attention by one of my buyers that another artist is doing something similar. I check on it, but it is not the same, it is with a free brush. It is always quite a compliment to have work emulated by another artist. I know Diane Whitehead is challenged with this often and that speaks volumes about her free style of paint and how talented she is. Another artist I see copied often too is Marian Rose out of Canada. Her work explodes with color, similar subjects as Diane but a totally different style of 180 degrees. Conni Togel has these issues as well, and once you think about it, most artists that strive for originality will find others trying to duplicate their work. I think I wrote once in this column about Jim's story on the Chinese. Their belief is IT IS A GREAT thing for your art to be copied. They feel the "soul" of that painting is carried on in the reproductions and that it extends its energy out in the reproductions...I will continue to give thanks for each painting that evolves from my brush and know the power of the Holy Spirit is there as I paint.
It is the pull each day to pick up the brush or palette knife and dip into the creamy thick oils. It truly is a dance between the canvas and my tools and the paint.
I worry about my friends up north and the cold. I know both Sue and Charlene have written me of freezing temperatures not letting up and a bold wind. I even shared conversation with Stephanie Bauman, Billie Bauman's sister (Earth Works Art Gallery) last night in Horseheads NY and it was well below zero there too. We had three days of 70 degrees and clear beautiful blue skies. Yesterday Terry and I walked the dogs about three miles. We came back and ate dinner early and then I was out on the back porch planting my seeds to begin my first plants for my garden this year. I have 108 babies planted to nurture and pray over. This is our food for the summer! In about three or four weeks I will start a second group so we have a constant introduction of new plants and when they come to harvest. Carrots, onions, squash (Yellow and green), green beans, two types of lettuce so far (I bought four types), tomatoes
(three varieties), and cucumbers. Problem is the best indoor light is in my studio...egads I will be nurturing plants in here now..more to trip over. Today the cold and clouds have returned.
Diane is having fun...her grand baby is visiting and she has been sooo good about sending photos...that make my day seeing that little boy grinning or cuddled up close. He is precious.
Despite the cold and winter temps, her household has sunshine 24 /7 right now!
I am off to work on the easel. Thoughts are flying through my head on what to paint!
STAY WARM and have a cup of hot chocolate.
OH yeah, I almost forgot...I have been tuning my harp and playing it along the way. ELIZA I love it. The frustration is the right hand. On the piano as you play the finger patterns run from thumb up UP note I said UP to the right baby finger. When you play the harp, that hand walks the strings in reverse, from ring finger UP UP UP to thumb. So I read music fluidly and play the piano with ease, on the harp I have gotten to where I do not look at the strings, but only at the music. It is something you feel where you are and you play. I can also hear if I pluck a wrong string...but if I concentrate on the darn fingering that is labeled...my poor brain wants those numbers to go UP My hand not down my hand on the right! I am now the student...playing my scales for hours to train my hand and inner brain to accept the new motion of the fingers.
Maybe by the weekend I can post a harp piece, with mistakes, but one non the less!
Through the all-providing love of God, I am abundantly Blessed.
"The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your needs in parched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water whose waters never fail." Isaiah 58:11