Kelly's Light
30 X 40 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting A Day
30 X 40 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting A Day

Well, this one was not painted in a day, or even two days...took a bit longer. It was a quieter painting, painted with a wide brush and not much action. I hung it up in the dining room to study it for a few days...something was not right... it was LOVELY but nothing more. I sent it out to Charlene and Kelly to look at and give me honest feedback...Charlene pointed out some technical issues but Kelly sent a hot email back...basically saying, This is not YOU! Kelly reminded me exactly of what I preach about to my students about all the time. THE PAINTING WILL NOT WORK IF YOU GET IN THE WAY trying to control it. I was doing that. I technically had painted a lovely painting but it did NOT soar with life. Trusting in Kelly, I picked up my palette and squirted about 12 different colors on in large clumps. I added some impasto...(How I would live with out that I am not sure) and took my knife in hand. This is the result...and I named it Kelly's Light because he turned me back into the light to where I needed to be to let go and allow this painting the energy it called for to bring it to life...not contrived and controlled, but free...
It is Saturday and almost noon. I have been working since Four a.m. Heading to Oklahoma shortly and will stop by the PONDER STEAK HOUSE...yum on the way there. Bonnie and Clyde robbed the old bank next store to where the steak house is. The Steak house is known internationally!
Be back late afternoon and will take a needed break and paint again tomorrow at four a.m.
REST and stay warm....
Oh my the words today:
God's love inspires me to right action!
(thank you Kelly) It is not coincidence, it is God's plan and a direct hit for me in my direction in the studio this weekend.... read on....I must paint in His Glory, not in my control...but His.
"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31.