Wild Horse
30 x 30 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
Wild Horse
30 x 30 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day

Why the heated pony? Well, my hubby came in and gesso the canvas for me...FIRST TIME, I might add. He was so cute and so capable. I will have to enlist his help again. As I approached the dried gesso and realized the talent with in as he had added impasto to it as well, the surface carried a thick sculpted look to it. The energy vibrating off was magnificent. (I had asked his help because of my pulled neck.) He stood there with my largest palette knife in his hand and had gesso and impasto from his finger tips to his elbows. I was working on another piece, but turned to see what I envisioned on the canvas.
I began to attack it thinking of just large ponies but that was not to be...the ponies emerged and I shot some pictures, just to go back and add about two more layers of paint. Then I took more pictures. Still unsatisfied, I went back and began to scrap parts of the canvas ...geez there was a lot of paint there. I had a pile of paint that would have filled three tubes if you like a gray cast mush. I picked up my marigold and madder (a rose color) and began to work. I first outlined the horse pulling my thin palette knife through the left over layers of paint and the new layers I had just applied...from there the horse began to appear from the surface...the power and the heat coming off this one is unbelievable. So it should have been named the power of two, with Terry's added energy on the gesso layer, but I decided Heated Pony would do the same thing!
Hope your Sunday is well. we had a huge HUGE dust storm blow in yesterday. Stacey and I were in Southlake shopping and about to meet Terry for lunch and the wind was so strong it knocked out power through out the entire city. All business had to temporarily close...can you imagine pet smart with no lights? Poor puppies and kitties...we had to drive on west to Roanoke to Chili's to eat. My poor pups were outside as well. We had no prior knowledge of the dust bowl of west Texas arriving. I had checked and doubled checked the forecast before we left at ten and it said 65 degrees and partly cloudy...they neglected to mention partly dusty. So this afternoon I will be bathing two very dusty Kerry Blue Terriers.
This morning will be spent cleaning out my closet...looks like it erupted, then working on a painting of some hands, that is only 1/3 of the way complete. After that I am already eagerly thinking of my next horse composition...think I will do another series of HORSE PLAY...so be prepared!
Grace to all,
"And those who know your name put their trust in you." Psalm 9:10
I move forward in faith, knowing I am divinely guided.