Cowboy and Horse
24 x 36 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting A Day
24 x 36 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting A Day

Kay T... not sure I have your email address because my computer crashed too and I am on hubbies HP. You can email me at though. I pick up mail there daily! Then I will have yours back too!
It is late...I am painting canvas edges tonight so I can hit it running in the morning. On the agenda for the week are some reiners and cowboys/girls, some more wild horses and Exploring a new breed.... Akhal Tekes. GORGEOUS horses. I am going to do a few practice paintings which I have already promised to the buyer that recommended I look at these we will see! Tomorrow Trina will be here to paint, and I have a new piano student in the morning I THINK!
ALSO NEWS NEWS HARP arrived. I played for almost two hours this afternoon. I was cleaning house and stopped mid stride and decided to try it for the first time. I tuned her slightly to herself using my piano and took off. The hardest thing was remembering the fingering and the right hand goes backwards from how it plays keys on the piano. Charlene, I guarantee I will type 135 words a min after learning to play accurately! LOL
I will post something on my music blog once I get my left thumb working better. ELIZA...I love you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the connection to Denny in Australia. That is who had made my harp. OH she is gorgeous. I have not named her yet.
More canvas edges are calling me, as is a good book next to my is my adorable husband! Hummm, maybe I won't paint my edges.
(Also need to find my valentine cards...not sure where I put them and they need to go into the mail)
Grace to you all,
Centered in the love of God in this prayerful moment, I am at peace. (Especially playing my harp.)
"Let your adornment be the inner self with the lasting beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in God's sight." 1 Peter 3:4