After the Rain on the Dock
Village Seascape
18 x 36 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting A Day
Village Seascape
18 x 36 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting A Day

Egads it is not even three a.m. here...but I woke with a pretty nasty sinus headache and decided it better to allow Terry to get some sleep before he has to get up at four. I am going to putter around here in the studio and work on some smaller paintings for my NY show.
Last night was the opening of the FOUR BRANCH RANCH in Colleyville. Kathryn, the owner, was surrounded by friends, customers, and the entire city council! It was a marvelous evening and I visited with several other artists that have chosen to put their work in her hands. Lyndon Gaither and Ann Hardy were there. Lyndon does fabulous Acrylics and Ann is well known here in Texas for her oils. It was an honor and a treat for me to meet fellow artists.
I am suppose to be in Dallas today but know at this rate I will not head will probably clear up enough for me to sleep in a few hours and I will be back asleep I assure you, but meanwhile will paint.
The painting posted above I finished on Wednesday. Their is a vivid contrast of Blue and Orange hues and an overlay of about 3 layers of oil or more in some places. A break from my normal horses...and I am preparing for changes in the studio as well as in my work.
Have a safe weekend, the easel is calling me.
The verse for today really surrounds and comforts me as I pray and focus on a young woman having a tumor removed from her leg. My prayers are with her, her family and the doctors as the day unfolds in God's hands.
"Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9