Nine on the Run
Wild Horses
18x36 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting A Day
Wild Horses
18x36 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting A Day

Well is later today, and theres a bit of ice and snow outside. I've been working on more koi and bunny rabbits and I finished this horse painting yesterday. Working with my pallette knife and rich buttery oils another wild horse painting was created. Watch for it soon on Ebay.
Terry and I had fun in Dallas yesterday. He took me shopping for a new winter coat and summer clothes for my summer art shows. We ate lunch at Main Stream and did our shopping at Whole Foods, and getting home around 8pm.
We visited Denise and Pam at FedEx.... and although I only had a few boxes to ship out..We stayed for an hour!
Stay warm. Grace
“Then they said to him, ‘Inquire of God that we may know whether the mission we are undertaking will succeed.’ The priest replied, ‘Go in peace. The mission you are on is under the eye of the Lord.’”—Judges 18:5-6