A Dozen Roses
Modern Impressionistic Roses
24 X 24 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
Modern Impressionistic Roses
24 X 24 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day

It is afternoon....here in Texas and it is starting to warm up a tiny bit, at least into the fifties. We might see Sixties tomorrow...yes..but the weather man muttered something about the MCFARLAND syndrome....and that means COLD AIR and SNOW and ICE...coming soon to a town near you if you live in north Texas. This is welcome welcome welcome...to have a real winter...might cut down on our bug population too!
Painted this morning and these roses appeared on canvas...perhaps with thoughts of Valentines. I put my order in for some more perfume...I am out. Hope he takes the hint of the empty perfume bottle on his sink with a note...EMPTY...20 days until Valentine's Day. Don't forget your valentine! You can buy these roses and have flowers year round...gee what more could a husband want??? They will post on eBay next week, but are available now if you contact me!
The paint is hugely thick...hugely...is that a word? Well it is on my canvas. RIDGES outline the petals and establish movement and dimension...I love my Holbein Duo Oils.
ALSO...a new painter will be listing on eBay soon...he is from San Antonio and his work is FABULOUS! I will pass on more info as I get it. ALSO trying to talk Conni Togel back onto Ebay at least with OSWOA items...I have two of her pieces here in my home...and I have two of Diane Whitehead's (Artoutwest) and one of Debra Hurd.
Hope the sun is shining where you are...and Amanda...enjoy the wilds of Alaska...and have a glass or two of wine of the plane ride up!
Grace to all,
“Beloved, since God loved us so much, we also ought to love one another. … God lives in us, and his love is perfected in us.”—1 John 4:11-12
as always, gorgeous work!
thanks for talking me into listing some stuff - i did get an inquiry after all the listings ended, so it did do something!
It's been really cool (i call it cold - but that's only because i've adjusted to the weather here already - in Colorado i'd be sitting outside on my porch with shorts and a t-shirt on at these temps...), and am i ever ready for spring!
you might need to make that sign on the bottle bigger - and tie his toothbrush to it, and then strap that to his right pinky so he won't forget :)
then again, he will probably surprise you, just wait and see!
take care!