Crossing Over
Oil on Canvas
22 x 28 inches
A Painting a Day
Oil on Canvas
22 x 28 inches
A Painting a Day

Good Saturday Morning! Our weird Texas weather continues HOT and COLD all in one day yesterday...mostly cold though, but I fear this leaves the major populous in the schools and work places closer to the flu.
This painting plays with contrast of midline values. I believe the next one I will work with a similar pull and add a bit more of a contrast in with a complimentary diagonal. Again I mixed Impasto with the paint. The Holbein oils are very rich and creamy and adding the impasto to this creates an exciting thickness which reminds me of icing cakes!
Kelly Williams, a collector from Dallas, that purchased Celebrating Life before it went to auction, came by yesterday to pick up the work and was again astonished (his second piece) by the piece in person. Evidently the photographs of my work cannot seem to capture the thick paint and the edging that occurs, the surfaces that build around bone structure in the faces or the buildings depending on the painting. To me that is the excitement of painting! Pulls of paint create the dimension and with the added impasto, it actually gives dimension encouraging the view to want to touch. I want to thank Kelly also for purchasing the painting CHRISTMAS PAST with 100 percent of the proceeds going to the Double HP Horse Rescue. He honored us with a high bid of $455 but only after he saw the piece in person yesterday afternoon before the bidding ended.
Kelly is quite an artist himself. We were privileged to stop by his home last week delivering his COA's to him and were blown away by his Western ART collection in his home. I am honored to be woven into this gathering of power from the west! Thanks again Kelly!
Grace to all,
“If they listen, and serve him, they complete their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasantness.” —Job 36:11