30 X 40 Acrylic on Canvas
A Painting A Day

There's a unique shop in Pilot Point Texas that sells to the lovers of the horse... It is an Equine consignment store. The Owner contacted me this week, since Pilot Point is only about 40 miles from Justin...and I quickly painted up a few acrylics for their grand opening this weekend. This is the first one entitled the OUTPOST GATHERING....brilliant color contrast with Golden Acrylics. Always unique and very individual, each of my 'gathering' paintings generates conversation both between the horses within and the viewer watching. Terry and I drove up to Pilot Point yesterday afternoon taking back roads avoiding the interstate traffic. We crossed over the damn at Lake Ray Roberts...it was stunning. We enjoyed dinner at a fabulous Mexican Restaurant near the Consignment Store and headed home around five thirty and were gifted with a gorgeous sunset over the lake as we returned toward Justin.
Last night we watched GARDENS of the WORLD...or part of it until I fell asleep...with Audrey Hepburn narrating. She was so gracious and graceful as she aged. This had to be one of the last things she did. I will watch the rest today, but am inspired to paint roses...will have to see.
Hoping you all have a safe and enjoyable weekend.
Grace, Laurie
“Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘I am going to rain bread from heaven for you, and each day the people shall go out and gather enough for that day.’”—Exodus 16:4