Tree Landscape
18 X 36 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting A Day
Tree Landscape
18 X 36 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting A Day

This week of my life has been a journey and I have walked it totally in faith that the Lord has a plan to make something out of what has happened with in our family. I was at my youngest son's apartment on Wednesday night and saw a piece of art work I did back in 1999 and between that inspiration and my paints today, this work emerged. Not sure if it is fall or winter or even spring...but from the dark into the light exists as well as the path between. Isn't that life ? Also in my mind were thoughts of another daily painter, Cheryl A. Pass... she was questioning where she was going with her art...her journey...and all of this was tumbling around in my head as I worked yesterday.
Gotta hit the canvas. Was contacted by a Western Store north of here that wants to carry some work and I promised some pieces, so today I will be painting non stop!
Grace to you all...
Laurie try this I go to Daily Word online...this is the entire reading today. Read this and then try and tell me God's hand is not in our lives. The tears are flowing down my face at this moment making it hard to type...I am hoping this messages reaches a friend in Canada as well.
| ![]() | Daily Word — Friday, December 15, 2006
Inner Peace The Christ of my being fills my heart with love. I am calm and at peace. There is a presence of love within me that cannot be disturbed. This sacred presence is the Christ of my being. Wherever I am, I can turn within to this heart of love and know the peace that passes all understanding. As I lay any burdensome thoughts and memories down, I enter into a consciousness of peace. Calm and serene, I know and see myself as the beloved creation of God I was created to be. Through the understanding that comes from deep within me, I am patient with myself and with others. I am an instrument of peace. The love of Christ fills my heart and shines forth from within me, guiding every step I take and every word I speak. In all circumstances, I am calm and at peace. “What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.”—John 1:3-5 |