City New Years Rain
18 X 27 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
18 X 27 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day

Good morning. I missed yesterday because I couldn't get BLOGGER to upload my finally I switched to the NEW BLOGGER ( I was on a beta blogger) and it worked! YEAH!!!!!
So a day behind it not bad! This is a peaceful~ restful painting...remember (although it is hard to in Texas) what it like after the rains come...and the sky is only partially cleared?? That is the moment this picture captures! You can feel the coolness in the air from the rain and the city appears Washed CLEAN! Painted with a palette knife and cool colors for a New Years ring to it!
Scrambling still here and there for last minute shopping...just small things. We ate at a Mexican Restaurant in the Denton Mall and it was by far some of the WORSE food I have ever eaten and they were proud of that with their prices. As my grandson would say, YUCCA.
Hopefully we get to see him tomorrow. We raised him with his dad for over four years and he lived with us three of those years. His mom was basically OUT OF POCKET. She came back into his life two years ago and things have never been the same since. Good, bad or indifferent it is the Lord's plan and we celebrate the simple joy of having him Christmas Eve, Christmas morning and the day after! He and his "Bampa" are thick buddies! So there is much preparation at our home right now to welcome him for the holidays.
Stay warm and enjoy the season.
“So out of the ground the Lord God formed every animal of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name.”—Genesis 2:19