Time to Make Cookies
5 X 7 inches
Oil on Board
A Painting a Day
5 X 7 inches
Oil on Board
A Painting a Day

Yesterday I was up early and painted and still made the seven a.m. blowout at JCPenny's with my daughter. She had adopted seniors off a senior Christmas tree and wanted to shop for all four of them...and we did. I also picked up a couple gifts and rugs for my bathroom and the guest bathroom. It was a new store that just opened, so it was stocked well and of course not crowded at seven in the morning. After that I was home painting until after five yesterday. Hoping to see our youngest son here later and Computer guru Mark to help with the transfer of mess to another computer...unless he can figure out how to break down the C divider in my hard drive. Partition Magic is not able to do it.
I had hopes of visiting with Sue this weekend...she bought a camera for her computer, but obviously not user friendly at this time. I saw her online the other day on SKYPE and rang her up knowing she could not see me. I grinned into the camera (face with streaks of paint and my old paint clothes on) and chatted away with air and then emailed her as I clicked the done button. Turns out her hubby was on the other end.... oh my was I embarrassed. I am learning.
Well, I am off to the easel this morning. Blessings to you all. Trina sent me the Kabbalah thought for the week and I want to share it...it was based on the story of Isaac giving his blessing to Esau and Jacob jumping in ahead to receive it....the idea is realizing what little control we actually have and letting go and letting God.
I will leave you with that thought for the week. Grace, Laurie
I am no longer a prisoner of my past - past regrets, earlier traumas, pain and suffering. I believe in miracles and a joy-filled future. I gain the courage to let go! I let go. Of everything. Period. |
I am refreshed by every breathe and prayer.
"God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being." Genesis 2:7