Pansy Blooms
16 X 20 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day
16 X 20 inches
Oil on Canvas
A Painting a Day

Good morning Wednesday. It took me awhile to get here this morning...been catching up on emails and think I have now fried my husband's computer...that is two in less than a week... I think I need to go buy the mac I want....comments???
The painting posted today is soooo very thick with paint...piled in layers to create this. I love the contrast of red and green in deep shades. It evolved with balance of colors and it hangs with a pleasantry to it....shape, balance, form and color binding together in strength.
Today is major painting day, but I do have a turkey in the oven. We will eat at our daughters and she is making turkey...but we wouldn't have left overs for those marvelous HUGE turkey sandwiches or turkey soup from the last scrapes!!! So I bought a free range turkey at Whole Foods yesterday and popped it in the oven at four this morning with the thermometer inserted and the oven at 275 to cook slowly!!! Trina is driving down from Gainesville to paint this morning so I anticipate some good work from the hours ahead.
I am off to the easel.... Charlene and Kay, I want to hear your paintings arrived safely! Hugs to all. SUE...I have to take my camera off, I think it is messing with this computer! If I had a sad face to paste it would be here.
In my life I know the Lord is my light, especially in my work. He is my salvation as well. He is strength and with Him walking with me I lay claim to His promises and know not to fear what is in this world. I pray he guards my heart and mind from the spirit of fear and fills my heart with his perfect love.
"God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7