Horse Three Sunset West
4 x 6 inches
OSWOA Oil on Watercolor Paper
A Painting a Day
4 x 6 inches
OSWOA Oil on Watercolor Paper
A Painting a Day

It is almost five this morning...are you as full of turkey as I am? My daughter and I were going to go shopping, but I think she decided to sleep in! She did a fabulous job with dinner yesterday...her pies were to die for. I shared with Niki last night that I could finally turn over my apron and retire from pie making. WOW! Justin arrived from NY in time for Turkey (Terry picked him up at the airport), and Morgan brought his friend Ron. Stacey had the table set for 10 hungry guests and dinner was excellent...everything made from scratch. If I snag the pie recipes out of her I will post them.
Meanwhile painting continues...this is part of a western art series of OSWOA size, 4 X 6 collectible original oils. ACTION AND COLOR!
Want to hit the easel quickly this morning, hope to go out later and look at treadmills. Could be leftover thoughts of eating too much yesterday, but it will be that or an ENDLESS POOL...have you see those? I could learn to love it! I am off to the horses...which is where Niki really is today...and Sue, I will finish the painting I was working on yesterday when we visited cross for those on my blog this week. I told Sue she was an inspiration on it because we chatted almost an hour as I worked...of course on speaker phone.
Grace to all....and remember the beauty in each of us is there....God created us all.
“There are utensils not only of gold and silver but also of wood and clay, some for special use, some for ordinary.”—2 Timothy 2:20