The Gathering Two
24 x 36 inches
A Painting a Day
24 x 36 inches
A Painting a Day

Thursday is teaching day. Ashley, my co teacher, is finishing up the history of mask making and the children will put their final touches on the masks they made of paper mache last week. NO not trick or treat masks at all. We talked about how masks seem to empower a person with the influence of what the mask is. For example, if you put on a wolf mask you take on the brut strength and confidence of the wolf. If you put on Sponge Bob...well I am not sure what you feel, but it is definitely different than the wolf! LOL...If you put on Superman you feel as if you might have super powers. If you put on a Cinderella Costume you feel like a princess...light delicate and BEAUTIFUL!!! I can't wait to see how they turn out today. It will be a tangled mess of acrylic paints, feathers, sequins etc.
I was pulling color on the canvas with my palette knife yesterday when this piece began to emerge before my eyes. From the colors the horses forms began. I was truly mesmorized as I worked. When I finished it I immediately began a huge one....30 X 40, which I will eventually finish. Work in progress you might say. The colors in this one are earthy and still very vibrant with contrast. This first one is on auction right now with free shipping to one of the first two bidders. CLICK HERE>
I am off to the easel behind me. It is just now five a.m. and the day stretches before me. God's presence enfolds me and moves with me wherever I go.
"He proteced us along all the way that we went, and among all the poeples through whom we passed." Joshus 24:17