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MORNING PAINT Horse Abstract Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 24 inches of Oil on Canvas SOLD Back to work this morning! Back to my easel. As Terry packed boxes last night I was sketching out on the canvas with my charcoal. I like sketching in Charcoal, nothing is permanent and easy to adjust. Planning out my painting day is a help. I spend about two hours thinking about what I want to work on this week and then do sketches in my sketch book. After the sketch book, the ones that attract me still the next day end up on the canvas with charcoal. Then Wednesday comes and I begin to paint. Prayer, meditation and waiting often sitting for a moment and studying the canvas on the easel...and then I pick up my palette knife or paint brush. In life we try often to plan. Goes back to time management I guess, or as well OCD where we really are serious about control and planning. Painting you find the painting itself takes on its own life and 98% of the time does not turn out like your
COLORS OF RAIN Horse Abstract by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 36 inches oil on canvas SOLD ON DAILY PAINTERS THANK YOU! A quick blog for sure this morning. The dogs are waiting to go to the groomer and they are waiting on me! I am blogging away before I go. French drains are going in the front of the house. Terry planted all the tomato bushes with Morgan helping on both things. I have been helping out at mom's house with various projects and trying to clean our house in between. Today is a crunch day to finish the drain, clean the house including clean sheets, rugs etc. OH we got insulation yesterday. Had the radiant barrier sprayed on and then 18 inches of stuff blown in. Are you insulated in your life? If you are not you probably feel cranky and grouchy most of the time. The grace of Father God is our insulation. We still have to manage the journey with growth, pain, laughter and love, but His almighty arms surrounding us make the journey a bit easier. Find grace and good in e
EARLY MORNING HOUR Nude by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 27 inches Oil on Canvas SOLD I am up and have been up since three thirty. Heater was running with an unusual rattle. Morgan and Terry were up in the attic yesterday pulling up old barrier covering. This morning we will have the radiant barrier sprayed in and 18 inches of insulation laid down. We only have two inches right now. Something must have gotten knocked around in the removal leaving a rattle. I am actually sleepy enough to go back to bed now but the day dawns at five and I am going to spend the next hour cleaning the studio while Terry sleeps. QUIETLY! It was a busy family weekend as will be the next six to eight weeks. Just keep our family in prayer right now. As a child did you grow up with the Golden Rule. I hear harps playing when I type and think that! "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." When I interviewed with a panel of eight principals and an HR person for a school district, one of the
AND BEYOND Tree Landscape by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 24 inches SOLD Oops, almost went to bed with out blogging today! It has been a full day and not time to describe anything. I am a fan of Brothers and Sisters and it starts in 15 min! We so enjoyed church today and Jack Van Vessems wonderful class. The inspiration today from both Brother Dan's sermon and Jack's class left me full of spirit, thought and prayer. Promise more tomorrow! Grace, Laurie "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow , for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34
THE SOUND OF MUSIC Portrait Art by Laurie Justus Pace SOLD 18 x 24 inches Oil on Canvas Contact me for commission work: Laurie Father May I? Picking up from yesterday's posting, I did receive quite a few positive responses to Father May I.... Thank you always for emailing me to make comments. I depend on the Lord to guide me as I write each morning. This painting is a portrait of a daughter of my mother's godchild. She is very gifted with music on several instruments as is her older sister. I still have some touch up on this yet to go, but enjoyed painting on it this weekend. Moving forward in life in the grace of God's unconditional love finds new opportunities, changes in our lives, and discovery of the new places and people. Trust in the Lord and the wisdom He has provided for you. He has given you the knowledge you need and it is time you use this knowledge to your greater good. Grace, Laurie “For ‘In him we live and move and have our being’; as even some of yo
WHO ME? Feline Cat Art by Laurie Justus Pace SOLD on Daily Painters! Thanks! 15 x 30 inches of Oil on Canvas Contact me to purchase and include title of Painting. Laurie Early this morning Terry was up when he was suppose to be asleep. He has a 16 hour day today at the airport. Sleep was necessary and he was awake. I stayed still hoping he would drop back off after he work me up...and he did. My thoughts were tumbling around house hunting with my mom yesterday. We went back to the original neighborhood where we first lived and looked at a home. As we passed by a house on the block where I played as a child the memories flooded back. I especially remember the game "MOTHER MAY I" Do you remember that game? One person is the mother and they stand in front of a line of the players with about 15 ft between them. I think "mother" has her back to the line so she cannot see where people are. Starting from one side of the line the "mother" calls out to the f
OBSERVATION SOLD Thanks for supporting Daily Painters! Cat Feline ART by Laurie Justus Pace 15 x 30 inches Oil on Canvas Contact me to purchase. Please include the name of the painting. Laurie Waiting and Watching, watching and waiting. Cats are truly better at this than dogs. I have dogs, my older brother has cats. My dogs will wait and watch for ehhh, maybe 30 seconds. Cats on the other hand will wait a long time, waiting and watching. Do not spend your life totally in this mode. Those that wait on the Lord will renew their strength. But those that sit and watch TV become a couch potato! Waiting on the Lord requires prayer and meditation, not cruising the Internet or watching CNN. Use your time wisely and know the Lord will provide what you need. God has provided each of us with gifts. Are you using the gifts he gave you? It is time to take stock of what you have and use it in the world around you. Today is my Uncle Gil's 90th birthday. I heard through the grapevine h
OVER THE RAINBOW Contemporary Horse Art by Laurie Justus Pace 30 X 30 inches Oil on Canvas SOLD on Daily Painters. Thanks for your support of the self representing artist! Contact me to purchase, mention the name of the painting. Laurie Hummm, yesterday was another two Klondike days. But I am surviving! Today is finish up and move forward day. Today I will finish a commission painting for a new collector in Canada and a small mothers day gift for another collector for her mother. Slated later this week is a the finish of a portrait for a family friend. In between...paint paint paint, clean house, do wash and finish planting annuals! I spent some time on the phone late yesterday with Wendy Rogers at the new gallery in Atascadero, California. The Red Tree Gallery is open and been received warmly by the town and the surrounding areas. Wendy has exciting plans of many cultural events and shows for the next few months. I am hoping Terry and I can hop a flight out to visit and see it
THE RED BRIDGE Landscape tree painting by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 27 inches Oil on Canvas SOLD I went from a wonderful stress free Sunday to yesterday. I can usually judge my stress by the amount of sweets I eat in a day. The more stress, them more bad stuff I eat. Let's just say I went through Two SLIM Klondikes and one half of a weight watcher bar. That is a lot for me. Some days I do not touch this at all and It was a slide down from that plateau. Do you remember what your yesterday was like? Did you experience a range of emotions and how did you handle it all? In today's world we are bombarded by so many things happening around us. Our responses and reactions are steeped in emotions of happy, anger, excited, worried, scared, embarrassed, overwhelmed, guilty, inadequate...etc. How are we suppose to cope? It was late evening when Terry announced we had to go to Home Depot to get soil. I had felt battered all day by various events and really did not want
CAN'T SEE THE FOREST BECAUSE OF THE TREES Landscape in Oil by Laurie Justus Pace 15 x 30 inches SOLD Yesterday was a blessed day of no stress. I have not had one of these plateau days in eons! Both Terry and I dropped to knees at bedtime and gave thanks. I had agreed once I blogged before Church, no computer till after six and no work in the studio. WOW. We were at 8:30 services at Eastridge Christian and then Sunday School following. Jack VanVessem was wonderful and totally on track as we continued investigating the phrase "Being Reborn of the Water and The Spirit." Then Charlene sent me the following after I shared the lesson with her: O ne Child Baptizing Another After a hardy rainstorm filled all the potholes in the streets and alleys, a young mother watched her two little boys playing in the puddle through her kitchen window. The older of the two, a five year old, grabbed his sibling by the back of his head and shoved his face into the water hole. As the boy re
JOINED AT THE HIP Landscape Painting by Laurie Justus Pace SOLD $750 18 x 27 inches Contact me for similar commission work! Laurie (Gee, I dream about a long painting of trees like this 24 x 48 inches in length....) The last two years in the summer I have done trees and I guess I am back doing a few again. As I was laying in bed last night with my sketchbook in hand I was sketching out trees everywhere. In my mind I see this large painting 24 x 48 inches with these heavy oak trees going across... you would feel like munchkin in the midst of it as you view it. May have to do it anyway. This painting went out in one of my few mailers to top collectors and went with in hours. They have a painting called "the other side of the world" which had a unique touch similar to this and had a good feel to mix the two in the room...or that is what she said when she phoned. Terry is home today and we are off to church in just a few moments. More of the wonderful Jack Van Vessem Sunda
SOFT NUDE Nude Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 15 x 30 SOLD I do not think I am quite finished, will work on the face some more today, but it is close. I started this yesterday and went through so many revisions my head spins. My usually nudes are colorful and thick with paint. This one is soft and solid at the same time. I am listening to harp music here in the studio and with it's softness I am ready to go back to bed. Thought I was going to run errands with my mom, but that was canceled, so I will paint today. God's perfect presence is with in you today and you will be healed. It may not be from something you have in mind, but it will be for something he has on his mind. Our perfect good and our delight has always been primary in his plan for each of us. Step back from your priorities and your supplications and listen to what He has for your life. It is perfect for it is His plan. Grace, Laurie "The man and his wife were both naked , and they felt no shame.&qu