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Showing posts with the label wolf painting

Winter White Wolf Abstract Contemporary Wolf Wildlife Painting by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

White Winter Wolf 24 x 30 inches   Oil on Canvas    Available through Mirada Fine Art   © Laurie Pace Graphics One Design 1998-2011 Contact me: Laurie Share | The Outside Cover Growing up I often heard the phrase, "Don't judge a book by it's outside cover." This applies to situations in life, to people around us and to many other things besides books.  Often what appears to be is truly what is not.  I am guilty of often seeing a stranger dressed a certain way or acting a certain way and immediately making  a judgment thought in my head.  Definitely not the Christian thing to do and it is not mine to judge or even come close to focusing on.   I am pretty good about not voicing things out loud, but God hears my every thought and I am guilty as charged.  That little inner voice always is quick to line me back up on the right thought road.  Concentrate on giving to others and doing for others. Take care of your own business first.   Remember when vi
NIGHT POWER 30 x 30 inches Oil on Canvas A Painting a Day Not quite finished but I wanted to post it! I told you several mornings ago I had a vision of wolves just before I woke. I even addressed visions yesterday in my blog. The painting is ALMOST done. I know by posting this it will prompt a wolf painting from an artist that seems to follow and duplicate my subjects in a competitive husband has a bet on that at least! As I have always written, art should come from the spirit with in, not necessarily a "planned" event or competition. These animals have distinct personalities that almost frighten me when I am staring at it or working on it. I rarely RARELY paint wolves, but again a vision led this painting to be. In the vision it was three wolves, but in the painting it evolved to THREE EYES. That alone seem to be enough to quietly affect the viewer into slight hesitation to approach the composition. The fur seems full and textured that you might want to b