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Showing posts from June, 2011

Fruit Painting, Apple Painting, Country Store by Texas Artist Laurie Pace, Knowledge and Wisdom

Country Store This apple is part of a larger painting that I am working on. So in progress you might say. It is a bowl with apples, lemons, pears, avocados and some yellow squash.  When you visit the local country store you can buy almost all of these for a great fruit painting.   Contact me if you would like to see the final image of the painting. Laurie   ©Laurie Justus Pace  Graphics One Design 1998 -2011      Knowledge and Wisdom The Tree of Knowledge is part of the story from the Garden of Eden. We mostly know it as the apple tree.  Eve was basically dared to taste the fruit and Adam stood by her side and never suggested it was a bad thing to do... so humankind took 'knowledge'.  Some references refer to it as the Tree of Conscience, in Hebrew,  .עֵץ הַדַּעַת טוֹב וָרָע In the beginning, if Adam and Eve lived in the garden without knowledge, they lived simply with all the creatures in the garden. There was no thought to hung...

Flower Painting, Blue Hydrangea and Pink Geraniums in Pots by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

Blue Hydrangea and Pink Geraniums Bobbie Jean Pots Talk about OUT of the BOX... this is it for me. I have pots from my decease mother-in-law that are wonderful. THE REALLY old clay pots. Terry filled them with different flowers for the summer and I sat outside and sketch this out on ...hold on... 6 x 6 inch linen canvas paper.  Then I work in acrylics for a change in pace.  If I can get out of my box, you can too! Enjoy this tiny beauty... ready to slip into a frame and enjoy. 6 x 6 inch Acrylic on Linen paper.. frame it with out glass contact me if you are interested.       ©Laurie Pace  Graphics One Design 1998-2011 While I was working on my plants and pots... Terry began painting. He is very good in art with drawing and rendering. He has not painted in years. Tomorrow you will see his sailboat painting. MOVING FORWARD I wrote a friend in North Carolina yesterday about my life.  Right now I am so exhausted I am struggling with health...

Wildlife Painting THE WOLF, Wolf Painting by Texas Contemporary Artist Laurie Pace, Little Red Riding Hood, Grandmother and the Closet

The Wolf 5 x 7 inches Oil on Clayboard  ©Laurie Pace  Graphics One Design 1998-2011    Wolves and Closets When I think of wolves it is generally in terms of Little Red Riding Hood and that awful story of her grandmother getting tied up or eaten by the wolf.  Different versions are heard in different families.  I prefer the one where grandmother is tied up in the closet and the wolf jumps in bed wearing her sleep bonnet and nightgown.  Grandmother must have been cold in the closet. When we stay hidden in closets we miss out much on life.  It is much the same as staying in the box, aka the comfort zone. I cannot begin to tell you how much you miss in your closet, or your box. Some folks never move from their 'boxes'. Well, maybe for a day trip or a week trip, but they come right back to the box and neatly keep their life in control. Life has taught me well. I know I have no control. Only God has control. I believe my early days of my twe...

Contemporary Flower Painting, Red Poppies in Blue by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

Red Poppies in Blue 36 x 36 x 2 inches Oil on Canvas Gorgeous Palette Knife Painting of Red Poppies in a blue vase. This contemporary flower painting is available for  purchase. Contact me. Laurie © Laurie Justus Pace   Graphics One Design 1998-2011      Divine Order I have many friends that share the thought what is to happen in the future is already written in Heaven.  Sheriff Paul says it all the time.  He is the one that told us this area was like living in pre-Heaven with the beauty of the land and the people that live here. The Sheriff's faith is strong and he lives his life following the Lord. It actually takes a lot of pressure off if you begin to contemplate the fullness of what he is saying. We are accustomed to crying, worrying, grieving and pacing when we are confronted with circumstances that seem to be out of our control. Prayer is the answer, be it offered up alone in conversation with God or if you can gather with others...

Abstract Horse Painting, Scattered to the Wind, Equine Art by Texas Contemporary Artist Laurie Pace, Climb higher into the Mountain

Scattered to the Wind 28 x 42 inches  Oil on Canvas         ©Laurie Pace   Graphics One Design 1998-2011 Contact me to purchase. Laurie Details 1 Details 2 Morning Climb is a site I use to look up my bible verses and to cross reference things.  I also subscribe to their daily thoughts but rarely have time to read them.  The one yesterday caught my eye because of all the things I have been writing this week. I personally feel like the climb has begun physically (Challenge 47)  as I began my exercise program of a promise of at least 100 minutes a week.  I am up to 40 min in the two days so far... and should exceed this weekly, but I up till now since last fall, I have done ZERO per week. Last year at this time I worked out almost an hour every day.  I need to get back to that level. When I wrote about the bridge yesterday and crossing the vast misty valley... it rang a bell in my head whe...

Abstract Horse Painting Crossing Over, Commissioned Horse Art by Texas Contemporary Artist Laurie Pace, Crossing Over

Crossing Over   Commission SOLD 24 x 36 inches  Oil on Canvas  Signature Painted Pony Pull by Laurie Pace   ©Laurie Pace   Graphics One Design 1998-2011 Close Up Details 1  Close Up Details 2       CROSSING OVER Sometimes there is a long bridge ahead in life.  The bridge is crossing over open deep gorges of things unknown that are lost in a dark mist.  The bridge is so long you cannot see the land on the other side, and yet you have no choice but to move forward and cross the bridge.  You are paralyzed in fear before you even begin with the first step. How would you cross over?   Easy answer for me who does not like to drive. If it were a driving situation I typically hit a bridge and go fast fast fast....I figure if I go slow the anguish and fear have longer to take hold of me... so it is easier to take a deep cleansing breath and increase my speed to cross knowing full well God is right beside me in ...

Un-named Painting New Me Abstract Horse Painting by Texas Artist Laurie Pace,

Un-named Scraped Painting This is the final shot of this before I scraped it. With out white paint I could not finish it.  I am so thankful to Jim at Asel Art in Richardson that sent me paint that arrived 36 hours later and I am able to paint again... and revisit this same profile starting from scratch. When I work on this painted pulls, my signature Painted Ponies, I work wet. It is difficult to go back and move the paint around or add paint once it is dry or beginning to dry. Someone emailed me and ask if I had a picture of the painting before I scraped here it is. marked SOLD for DP but really non existent. 28 x 42 inch Oil on Canvas        © Laurie Pace  Graphics One Design 1998-2011 Watch as I repaint this painting over the next few days. NEW ME This was a good lead in thought as this painting will begin again, just as I had encouraged you to do this week.  Sometimes starting over seems exhausting as we over think how to rein...

Return of the Wolf Pack The Rare Gallery Jackson Hole, WY, Abstract Wildlife Oil Painting by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

Return of the Wolf Pack with The Rare Gallery in Jackson Hole . ©Laurie Pace  Rare Gallery   2011       Inner Peace Some how this morning my inner peace is a bit stressed. For some reason on my big Mac in the study, I cannot load images onto my blog. I can do it with my laptop, but there is no fun or gain in doing that everyday working off two computers. It will grow old.  Why does it all work on the lap top and not on the big Mac? The next thing that shakes my inner peace is my Mac Mail. talk about scrambled eggs. My new incoming mail appears in my trash mail on my mac. I have to watch both places now. This occurred this weekend after I cleaned out 15mb of email.  Wish I knew but I do not. After much searching on the Mac Forum I did receive some positive suggestions and I have gone back in and adjusted a few things... so I am praying for a fix this morning. True Inner Peace will be restored by simple silence and reconnecting to God an...

Abstract Horse Painting Woven Horses by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

WIPE OUT  Woven Horses With so much scraped paint, I played on the canvas one more time and then Terry scraped it and washed it clean for me. I hope today my replacement paint arrives from Asel. SOLD for DP but truly a WIPE OUT. 28 x 42 inches Oil on Canvas      © Laurie Pace   Graphics One Design 1998-2011     WIPE OUT?  WIPE CLEAN! That was easy to predict.  WIPE OUT.  Only I do not see my definition on WIKI.  I scanned the entire page and did not find anything like "scraping or doing away with" . Even if it was doing away with one's self or one's painting...surfing or painting. Do we 'wipe out' in life as well?  I found stories of pollution wiping out ocean life ... and that life on Mars was wiped out from a nuclear catastrophe 180 million years ago.  More segments on America's TV show Wipeout and German Wipeout Racing Games along with the creation of artificial life with a synthetic cell that coul...
The Dancer aka Red Ribbon Lacing I began this painting in February of this year and finally finished it up yesterday. I have written before it has an uncanny resemblance to my niece. Terry spotted that in February.  So as I finished it yesterday I renamed it 'The Dancer'.   20  x 30 inches Acrylic Glazing and Overlays       © Laurie Pace   Graphics One Design 1998-2011  INVESTMENT I choose this word after the 'yesterday' I had.  I finished this painting first yesterday and I had quite an investment of time in the layering of all the glazes. Then I worked on a commission painting for an art teacher in Canada. I am doing it basically for supplies as a 'gift' between artists.  I will finish it today. I have a invested journey in it as it is one of my signature painted pony pulls. Then came the afternoon. That is where investment really began.  I started a painting for the Rare Gallery in Jackson Hole.  I have already compl...

Sisters in the Sand, Figurative painting by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

Sisters in the Sand Commission Gift 20 x 20 inches  Oil on Canvas     ©Laurie Pace Graphics One Design 1998-2011   This was painted from a photograph on a beach a long time ago.  I was suppose to do the painting last year but could not find where I have packed the photograph but I came across the sketches I had completed for the painting... so I was able to paint the picture. Two young sisters on the beach, the older one trying to pick up the younger one who is basically leery of the incoming water from the ocean.  The little one looks like she has on someone's t-shirt over her diaper or swimming suit. Forgiveness Seems like an easy thing, a good word, but oh so hard to deal with.  We often allow anger to cause bitterness in our lives. It is so easy to blame someone else for situations when at times we are at fault.  It is not that we need to forgive someone else, but that we need to ask for forgiveness from someone else.  In our m...

Roses For Papa Figurative Palette knife Painting by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

Roses for Papa Oil Painting Palette knife of two young girls in a garden picking roses for their dad for Father's Day. 18 x 24 Inches Oil on Canvas    ©Laurie Pace  Graphics One Design 1998-2011 Contact me for Commission Work. Laurie   JOYFUL May this day be filled with joy. May you radiate God's love in your words and your touch as you share time with others.  Many of us here in the USA celebrate Fathers on this day.  As my younger brother says, it is an American Holiday to make people spend money, but cards and boost the economy.  Every day should be Father's Day and Mother's Day. Every day should be God's day.  No matter what is apart of the day, allow the joy deep inside of you to bubble out and contagiously spread to those around you.  The choice is always yours what to share with others. God Bless Laurie “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” ...