Still in Progress ROPING IN THE SNOW COWBOY Oil Painting Cowboy and Horse Winter Western Art by Texas Contemporary Artist Laurie Pace
'Still in Progress ~ Roping in the Snow'
24 x 18 Oil on Canvas
Still in progress on this painting. We had bad storms yesterday and no power. Didn't want to paint as much with the lightening and the storms bouncing around and the studio is a solid wall of windows. Hope to finish this up today after church.
Still in progress on this painting. We had bad storms yesterday and no power. Didn't want to paint as much with the lightening and the storms bouncing around and the studio is a solid wall of windows. Hope to finish this up today after church.
My thoughts yesterday through out the day were to try and stay on task. The early morning hours found us worried with an ill bird, then a quick trip to town for supplies for Terry to finish the last sealing up of the back of the house repair...and as we arrived home storms were coming into the area.
Between the dog that desperately needs a bath and cannot have one with stitches in his paw, the now dusty closed in back porch room that serves as my studio, and no electricity...I didn't get the painting finished. BUT I did get pretty far with it still defining areas and working them.
The storm coming in allowed Terry and I some close time to sit, talk and just reflect back on the last two months that have literally flown by. We giggled and groaned over the trip to NY and all of our happy times and sad times...the death of his dad and the weeks following. The past two months flew by in many ways and in others they seemed like an eternity. It was actually nice to share the time together in reflection. All of our lives are so busy we often do not stop to take the time to communicate and laugh together. Might be good to clear the calendar and give some extra time to prayer and sharing with God.
When you look to the new day today, or even the new week starting it is important to have in mind some type of plan or goal or target. I don't mean things from work or just things to mark off a list, but a target of starting a new positive habit or happening that serves others and not just yourself. It could be simple things like smiling and sharing a greeting even with strangers at the grocery store, or parking further away from the place you are going allowing someone else to park closer. Have an ultimate aim to make things better for others through your giving. You never know what that smile or parking place may mean to someone...
Keep it simple and aim to serve.
"He came to serve others and to give His life as a ransom for many people." Mark 10:45