'Blue Horse'
30 X 30 inches
Oil on Canvas
SOLD from the blog! Thanks!
© Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 2009
The Painting: This beauty was drawn out six weeks ago and I never painted him. Finally this past week I began working on him choosing colors back in the blue family where I have wondered lately. The stallion is strong with high ridges of paint created with my palette knife and my wonderful Holbein Duo Oils.
The Thought: We seem to have the youngest daughter down with the flu or something. I have kept her in her room and out of the rest of the house hoping to contain the spread of whatever has taken hold. High fever much like I had in September and thankfully no chest issues or cold at this time. We want every one well for Thanksgiving. Stacey is cooking... I just get to go and play with the grandbaby! PERFECT for me....except I miss cooking.
I have to try and put things in perspective as for almost 35 years I have been responsible for the Thanksgiving meal. Things change. At first I wanted to bring something but then I remember how excited I was the first Thanksgiving I cooked for family. There is a joy in serving others a meal you have prepared and planned from scratch. So I will go with a huge smile and open arms to play with that grandbaby they provided that they made from scratch too! Well I stand corrected...created with lots of help from the Lord.
Whatever your plans are this week, my prayers this day are for your planning and traveling.
Next Sunday will be the first Sunday in Advent... begin this week to prepare your heart for this delightful time of the year. Give Thanks this week, every day.
Thanks for sharing.