Expressions Two
Contemporary Art Abstract Palette Knife Horse Painting
24 x 24 Acrylic with Tar Gel
Stay tuned for more!
Contemporary Art Abstract Palette Knife Horse Painting
24 x 24 Acrylic with Tar Gel
Stay tuned for more!

We are back safely from Mt. Vernon and a wonderful time. We had a fabulous time and yes a slide show below, but no music this time! I had so many pictures of the country and our trip and I had to limit them! BUT ENJOY!
I will not be accompanying my mother and brother and sister-in-law to see my dad today for his real birthday. It feels strange as we have always celebrated together and my entire life this has been special to me, his birthday next to mine. My mom's car will only hold so many bodies and she invited her minister to go up, so I lost my seat. I will be there in spirit today missing him tremendously and again am humbled to know my place in the world. God is good and has his reasons for me to be home today and not there despite my sadness.
I was awake last night with the storms moving through and realize how stuffy my head was from being in the country and the strong south winds yesterday. I laid awake realizing there were things scrambling in my head as that little squirrel running on the cage wheel. Sometimes in life we have to forgive others and let things be free. Not just let them go, but let them be free. There is a difference. When you let them go, it is usually to place them on a shelf in your head or your heart. Setting things free is envisioning them flying off into the heavens... being FREE of the things that bring you down. Forgiving others and forgiving yourself and asking God to fill you with Joy and Abundance.
Join me today and free up some of your stress.
Watch my slide show below and see a SLICE of PRE-HEAVEN... that is what the new Sheriff of Franklin County Paul Fletcher calls it, PRE-HEAVEN!
“And he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment—to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ.”Ephesians 1:9-10