QUILT AT NANIE'S HOUSE Impressions by Laurie Justus Pace
5 x 7 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contact me for pricing. Email: Laurie
5 x 7 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contact me for pricing. Email: Laurie

Remember when? I remember playing under the quilting group at church where my grandmother would quilt. I remember running and playing in the wash at my Aunt Marie's house when my grandmother and I would hang wash and I thought it ever so much fun to run between the sheets hanging double and triple rowed across the backyard. Days of no responsibility and all discovery.
God wants us to be like a child in our faith. Run through those sheets in feel his love and the warmth of the sun!
I could use that warmth today. It is six thirty a.m. and the old heater which should have been replaced last week just died. There was a loud rackety rack noise as if the fan blades where speeding up and slowing down, like a shifting of gears.... a clatter and vibrations. I just left the blog and computer and threw off the switch next to it listening to it gravel and grumble as I did...hubby was on the phone with me...he basically told me to deal with it and hung up on me.
Shall we take vote on where I go now? I have an open house this afternoon for parents and children. No heat to go with the no doors hung yet, no working hot water in the guest bathroom, and no help with preparations for today. Mix that in with the huge hole and trench dug through my patio visible from all windows with a humongous pile of dirt and concrete next to it.
RUN LIKE A CHILD WITH FAITH....and call an electrician to deal with the light switches so I finally have light in my bathroom (So I do not have to screw in and out the bulbs for power), a furnace repair man to replace the heater (Of course this is Saturday...no way to get a new one on the weekend) and a carpenter to hang my doors. We have been here almost two months. I shake my head in wonderment. I need to unplug the computer and the TV. Maybe things would get finished up.
On the positive side my piano did arrive. I am hoping they plan to come and tune it as the lower end is way out of whack. I hope to pick up the extra piano bench my mom has and find the box with my music in it. I played while last night and it felt so good! Maybe that is what I will do right now so I don't have a meltdown.
"Then he touched their eyes and said, "According to your faith will it be done to you" Matthew 9:29