Brilliance in Red ~ Silky Red Flower Art by Laurie Justus Pace
16 x 16 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contact me for pricing at Email: Laurie
16 x 16 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contact me for pricing at Email: Laurie

This is a familiar composition to others I have painted. It is a relaxing composition of assertiveness. I hope you caught that one! They are gorgeous in person and make you feel like you are in a garden.
A warm garden would be nice right now. The house is at 45, my studio is at 62. There is no hope for heat until probably Wednesday or Thursday. The men got the hole about done. It has to be 24 inches deep for city inspection. We have to do the plumbing part and then get a plumber to OK the work ...of course that is after the permit procedure from the city. WHY did I move to the city? Someone remind me again. I just pray at this point to have heat before next Saturday when I am hosting an open house for perspective students and their parents.
Meanwhile I went to bed dirty, cold and hungry. I felt homeless, but knew there was a structure around me. Terry left for work taking my car again. I am sort of stuck here. He has his truck loaded with a door and blocking the compressor of the jack hammer so no one will steal it. So, I can't even get to my mom's to shower this morning or to get warm. It must be that Man Thing again. It is easy for Patience to be wearing thin, especially for me being stuck in this place trying to cook using my crock pot full time, washing dishes and clothes in one hundred percent cold water. It is wonderful that Monday is a national holiday and all city offices are closed. Brings a happy smile to your face knowing all those folks are at home in a warm place enjoying their day off.
Every day is a new day filled to the brim with unlimited possibilities. Miracles happen as well. God is at work blessing each of us, me and Terry included, and we have much to be thankful for. (Especially the hot cup of tea next to me.) I give thanks to the Lord for my family. For my son that worked 10 hours yesterday on this pit, Ben who came by giving guidance and direction, my mom for providing pizza for lunch and my husband for his body heat in bed last night. (Egads the bedroom never got above 55 with the little heater on.)
I wait for a miracle plumber, a city permit, a brand new connected gas line and eventually a new heater! I wait upon the Lord.
“This grace was given to us in Christ Jesus before the ages began.”—2 Timothy 1:9