36 x 36 inches
A Painting A Day

She arrived at the house about nine thirty yesterday morning. A sweet breath of fresh air as she entered the studio....Lana had arrived! I must connect the pieces first. Last year as we were selling our monster house we discovered there was an easement line running through the property and our home as well as a flood plane that had not been earlier identified. How the property had ever closed five years prior was questionable. I had to find a hydraulic engineer to re shoot the area and establish where flooding could occur (Near by dried up creek) and petition the city to abandon a one acre easement off the back of our property. That is where the Lord placed Otis in our lives, Lana's husband and a hydraulic engineer. The city engineer gave me a list of 10 hydraulic engineers. I was praying as I scanned the list and chose Otis. God answered prayers. This man did his job swiftly as needed, thoroughly and spoke to our city council with the quiet power of the almighty! We were able to sell our home and buy another one - smaller- on the same street to downsize. A painting was part of the deal...and Lana began to email me her favorites of all I had painted and other paintings she like. Lana is unbelievable...a burst of energy, tenderness of heart, and as genuine as life itself. I did fret before she arrived not knowing. I had sent her prelims of the painting, but she wanted changes and I suggested she come and sit as I finished the painting up so she could get exactly what she envisioned. It was such fun! The changes were made, a bit more red poppies in the distance, more red poppies in the flower pot, red flowers in the box window etc. Then the certificate and then we visited for two hours! Results were above.... the painting is so vivid and dimensional in life I really don't think this picture does it justice. The bike she wanted was symbolic for Otis, then the path, the sunset all in tribute to the Lord. I believe the colors reflect all the magnificent beauty of Lana and the gentleness and love she brings to everyone she encounters in her journey here on earth.
It was an honor to paint for Otis and Lana! I hope you enjoy seeing this painting, it is painted with brush and palette knife and the paint is VERY THICK.
Click here if you are interested in a special piece for your home!This is my birthday weekend, so I am unsure how much I will paint this weekend. My dad's birthday is this weekend too, so we have a huge family party planned, with lots of cake and food!
Grace to all,
"Do not judge, and you will not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:37