Hilary's Horses3 ft by 4 ft
A Painting A Day
For a similar commission piece, contact me. Click Here.

She lives out west and wanted a huge painting for her "dull" living room. She was going to bid on a painting on eBay that had the colors and the power she wanted, but it just wasn't big enough...so she wrote me. From our correspondance I was able to paint her very own personal canvas with the hand chosen colors for her room and the correct size for her wall. She poured over the images I have on artspan, my web site and my blog. She decided on the horses she wanted as far as how much body showing...and then CHOCOLATE...she wrote me as I painted, more CHOCOLATE. Dark Reds, burgandies, blues, golds and chocolates....she got what she wanted. I just finished it up and we are both praying for it to dry. I will ship it over night to her if it dries in time for a party she is having on Nov 10th. Keep your fingers crossed for both of us!
Meanwhile with holiday gift season arriving, contact me above if I can do something special just for you or for your special someone. I can work on a payment plan for the larger pieces if necessary, or I can paint small to stay in your budget.
"I am the Lord, and I will free you from the burdens of the Egypians and deliver you from slavery to them. I will redemm you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment." Exodus 6:6