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'Thunder Run' Equine Horse Painting by Laurie Pace

'Thunder Run' 24 x 30 inches Acrylic on Canvas Contact me to purchase: Laurie © Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 2009 The Painting: Not sure if it is done yet. It began with washes of deep blues and violets and then on the very wet canvas I used my fingers to form a horse in the loose water. From that point I began to see the movement and the motion of it stretching forward in the run. Layers of acrylic followed and the play of colors brought out the liveliness. The Thought: Still on work vacation. I truly dislike these. The shower was suppose to be worked on in July and Terry is still putting in 12-14 hours a day tiling. He finished the back wall of the shower with all the intricate piecing and today will begin back with the large chunk pieces of tile. He has a wall about 8 x 6 feet to go and then about 6 sq feet on the floor to finish up. After that comes the layer of mortar that goes on top of the shower pan and then that tile. Still have not heard from

'Heads Up' Soccer Sports Painting by Laurie Pace

'Head Shot' 24 x 30 inches Oil on Canvas Private Collection Contact me for a commissioned painting: Laurie © Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 2009 The Painting : This was a special commission piece for a truly loved soccer player. This is the style painting that I really enjoy but these pieces take months to finish. Careful planning and layers of thinner paint build to the excitement on the canvas. The Thought : Still on vacation but Terry is still working non stop on the bathroom tile. He has one more wall to go. So hopefully tomorrow the wall will be done and then he will tackle the floor. It is a 'match' to the finish between him and the tile. Do you feel that way with life sometimes? I had to remind our youngest daughter of that today. She allowed herself to get into an altercation with a younger child. She is 17. I explained gently that she was old enough to walk away. She is old enough to know what is worth battling over and their situation was n

'Thirteen Trees' Landscape by Laurie Pace

'Thirteen Trees' 18 x 27 inches Oil/Acrylic on Canvas Contact me to purchase: Laurie The Painting: From a workshop tape and experimental at best and harder than you think to work backwards for me. In all my 27 years of teaching of working back to front this one was opposite. The blues and purples actually covered the canvas first. The first layer of those colors is acrylic. Then I put in the sky in light blues leaving the contrast shapes. Next step was to put in color on the trunks. I switched to oils on the sky and trunks and then again on the ground as I laid in the colors of purples and blues. The Thought: Working backwards. Well the models are put away. I said a prayer reminding God of how He fed the 5000 and asked if we could somehow manage to get the 5000 models into the closet.The collection has grown over the past two years. I only say working backwards as this is the same closet I unpacked them in 22 months ago when we moved here. Terry packed them up and m

'Bowing to the Sun' Horse Equine Abstract Painting by Laurie Pace

'Bowing to the Sun' 24 x 24 inches Oil on Canvas Contact me to purchase: Laurie © Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 2009 The Painting: Spice and flow created this unusual composition as I listened to the music of Bright Eyes. This is a group my future daughter-in-law loves and I downloaded it to my Mac so I could try painting by it. Made good moves with the palette knife! The Thought: Vacation continues. I miss being in Montana and Wyoming this summer. We are rather stuck in Dallas heat and Terry continues to work on the bathroom. We have a special visitor this weekend keeping me way busy. Terry unloaded all ALL ALL of his plastic model kits in my studio. There will be no painting until we get them relocated. This requires deep breathing for me. We get no where with discussions. When they were at his dad's house they were in a non air-conditioned space, but here, he wants them air-conditioned. Didn't seem to bother them the last 17 years over the

'White Knight' Equine Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Pace

'White Knight' 18 x 27 inches Oil on Canvas Contact me to purchase: Laurie © Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 2009 The Painting: This is one of those...where did it come from pieces. I absolutely love it when something just flows out and fits with balance, melody and color. This is in oil and it is applied thickly in layers, without the use of impasto. The Thought: Vacation continues and my time this morning is very short. I would love to have you try to capture a few moments today to just sit and relax your mind. Tame the squirrels running around or let them go outside to play for ten minutes. Keep your hands open in your lap to be receptive and open. Keep your eyes open but do not focus on any one thing. Around you there will be noise or movement inside the house or outside if you are out. What is around you? Can you feel or see the flutter of butterfly wings? Are there shadows dancing nearby from sunlight? What can you smell around you? What makes this

'Garden Tree' Landscape Tree Abstract Painting by Laurie Pace

'Garden Tree' 18 x 27 inches Acrylic on Canvas Contact me to purchase: Laurie © Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 2009 The Painting : There was a feeling of change as I worked on this composition. It rolled several directions before the image began to form on the canvas. This day I was not "horsing" around. The color patterns are mystical and both soft and strong at the same time. Change is that way in our lives...ever so subtle at moments and WHAM very obvious at other times. The Thought : Well, I almost had the thought was a different day for painting as this emerged and I can't wait to see wait today will bring. Each new day should be like opening a present. Eagerly waiting for each moment as it comes with new opportunities. Note I didn't say new things waiting for you... nothing waits for you. You have to act in positive way to open yourself to new opportunities. If there is not room for change in your life, there will be no

'Andalucian Sunrise' Equine Horse Painting by Laurie Justus Pace

'Andalucian Sunrise' 24 x 30 inches Oil on Canvas Contact me to Purchase: Laurie © Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 2009 The Painting : HEAVY oils was the call this past weekend and the need to use thick paint pulled in chunks of color. Contrasts of orange and blue, purple and yellow...set off with peppered amounts of red and green. The Thought : On the road today. With changes happening everywhere around us, every day is a new day with new thoughts. In our lives we tend to stove up with guilty feelings from past issues. Learning to forgive ourselves and move forward is important to healing in life and finding their is a future filled with blessings. If you are like me, sometimes you feel it is the actions of others that keep you in an uncomfortable place in life. This is never true. You have complete control over your actions and your reactions. You can chose. Give yourself the space today to forgive and forget what was. Change cannot happen around you unless cha

'Hydrangea in Blues' Flower Art Painting by Laurie Justus Pace

'Hydrangea in Blues' 18 x 27 inches Acrylic on Canvas SOLD from the Blog! Thank you so much. Contact me to purchase: Laurie © Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 2009 The Painting: I had originally blocked this in acrylic and it was slated for oils. The humidity has been so bad here that I have had to paint more with Acrylics. The main focus was composition again and the blues and purples sweeping you through the painting. I miss not being in NY right now. The hydrangeas are gorgeous up there this time of year. The Thought : We are still "on Vacation' as Terry worked 18 straight hours yesterday with out food. I think spending his first day of vacation doing that did not set well. I was worried that he definitely over did and told him today he had to eat through out the day and take short breaks. I will be monitoring that. I did take pictures, but at least I am way behind with ads that are due for magazines that I need to finish up quickly today. Ti

'Grand Canyon Trails' Abstract Equine Horse Art Painting by Laurie Pace

'Grand Canyon Trail' 24 x 30 x 2 inches Acrylic on Canvas Contact me to purchase: Laurie © Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 2009 The Painting : Second in the summer series of Equine Pieces 2009. I laugh now because I have to resort to acrylic more in the summer as the oils will not cure in our humidity. Takes forever to get them to a point to varnish and mail to the buyer. This was a study in composition using balance and color to pull you from the upper right to the lower left. My circle markings are the same used in the last summer series in 2008 and only used in my summer paintings. Call it a signature if you will. The Thought : I have a postnote on Ann Marcelyn Caver . Click her name for her website. You will see all the fascinating work of this gifted artist. The woman that wrote me from Canada of Ani's passing sent me a connection today from another blog. PLEASE take the moment to read this blog. Dr. Dwags Blawg . I believe it hurt even more to find o

'Blue Shadows' Equine Horse Art Oil Painting by Laurie Pace

'Blue Shadows' 5 x7 inches Oil on Watercolor Paper Contact me to purchase: Laurie © Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 2009 The Painting : The musing of color so small is a switch for me. Doing this small paintings truly enable me to see what is possible for the larger pieces. If I were working large I would not have patterned colors quite like they are here. The next step is to paint large and see what happens. Stay tuned. The Thought : I have to blog today about Saturday night. Terry came home from work and hit the master bath working as he continues his quest to complete it. Morgan and I spent the day moving bookcases, books, and hunting down furniture. We have a guest coming and I am cleaning out the extra room. It was late Saturday, close to 7 pm and Morgan left to put gas in his truck for the next morning's drive to work. He phoned and asked if he could pick up hamburgers for dinner and I said yes for TP but no thanks for me. The phone rang again a few

'Before Dawn' Equine Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Pace

'Before the Dawn' 5 x 7 inches Oil on Watercolor Paper Slip into a frame, no glass needed. Contact me to purchase: Laurie © Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 2009 The Painting : I have begun to do small studies for color placement in larger paintings. These are wonderful small pieces that are easily framed in a ready made frame that can hang or sit. Glass is not needed or recommended. Each one is varnished and ready to go. The Thought : Earlier this past week I wrote about friends in seasons in our lives. Some friends stay through all seasons, and walk through all pain and joy in your life with you. Some live far away and although they are not physically there, their presence is spiritually there. Yesterday I learned of the passing of an old dear friend. She painted out those days of high school in the late Sixties with me, she was the flower child, I was the fashion model, and we both loved art. Ani did face painting and painting on rocks for the open house

'Horse of Color' Equine Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Pace

'A Horse of Color' 18 x 27 inches Oil on Canvas SOLD from the blog! Thank You. Contact me to purchase: Laurie © Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 2009 The Painting : Thick color and buttery paint with this oil on canvas. Sometimes you just love the play of contrast and the gillion colors you can come up with. The Thought : Nicknames or name calling is where I am heading off to today. Do you have a nickname? My first nickname growing up was graced upon me by my Aunt Marie. She called me Laurie Boo. That quickly became Boo-boo. Psychologically this might not have been the best choice of a nickname for a young child. Made me wonder if my presence was a boo-boo. As When I was at school in first grade I decided to change my name and began writing Amy at the top of my papers. I can still see my teacher shaking her head at me. I liked the name. As I grew into a brave 8 year old, there was a man at the church that called me by my full name, Laurie Sue. H