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Lost the Longhorns . Buried in Paint . Expressions of Creativity Exploding in the Studio . Wait until tomorrow . Laurie Pace

   © +Laurie Pace         Graphics One Design 2015 Longhorns progres. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Available Paintings by Laurie Pace  Follow me on Facebook           Sign up for my monthly studio newsletter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lost the Longhorns . Buried in Paint . Expressions of Creativity Exploding in the Studio .  Wait until tomorrow . Laurie Pace Well, you might see longhorns developing now but you sure won't see them tomorrow. Yep, you gotta come back to see what happens in the next episode.  I sent these off to Steve but he wanted my Moon Face Longhorn.  I loved the colors here and decided it was a case of scrap and blend. It is always freeing and scary when you do that.  Sort of like in winter when you are so bundled up y...

Wasting Away . Use it or Lose It . Finding Longhorns . Colorado Bound . Laurie Pace

   © +Laurie Pace         Graphics One Design 2015 Preparing the Longhorns ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Available Paintings by Laurie Pace  Follow me on Facebook           Sign up for my monthly studio newsletter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Received an email from Steve Sonnen at Mirada Fine Art in Denver and was invited to be part of a special show at the gallery opening the last weekend in March.  The clincher was Steve wants four new pieces... so to work I go.   I am still not totally unpacked and fell over one chair while working today. Love being upstairs though as I have twice the space, no hard concrete under my feet and a beautiful view of the sky out the large double windows. It does play havoc with the lighting on the canvas for pictures....

Hearts and Horses . Who ate my Chocolate Candy? . Empty Heart . Valentines Day . Sharing the Love with my Love . Laurie Pace

   © +Laurie Pace         Graphics One Design 2015 Sketches. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Available Paintings by Laurie Pace  Follow me on Facebook           Sign up for my monthly studio newsletter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW DO I LOVE THEE? by Elizabeth Barrett Browning How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.  I love thee to the depth and breadth and height  My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight  For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.  I love thee to the level of every day's  Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.  I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;  I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.  I love with a passion put to use  In my old griefs, and with my childhoo...

Did we win the Powerball Lottery . Friday the Thirteenth . Roses are Red . Chocolate Cake . New York Prime . Strawberries dipped in Chocolate . Surprise? . Laurie Pace

   © +Laurie Pace         Graphics One Design 2015 Rose Photography. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Available Paintings by Laurie Pace  Follow me on Facebook           Sign up for my monthly studio newsletter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tomorrow... we are putting it all together for tomorrow.  Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Tomorrow we will celebrate Stacey's birthday... shhh... she does not know. This is a surprise. She will not read about it here... she is doing the new mommy baby thing. I really REALLY want to thank Whole Foods Colleyville, Texas for their love and support today. As we shopped, the store manager came out to see us midway and gave us a wonderful THANK YOU card from the store. They have been there for us this past year as their first year o...

Heart Beat . Can you find me a wife? . Where true love grows . Laurie Pace

   © +Laurie Pace         Graphics One Design 2015 Heart Beat  Size: 8 x 10 x  2  Acrylic on Canvas. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Available Paintings by Laurie Pace  Follow me on Facebook           Sign up for my monthly studio newsletter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I will never forget the day my youngest son called and said, "Mom, you know me better than anyone else, I am so tired of the dating scene and all the different personalities out there and the disappointments...can you find me a wife?"  This was in summer 2008.  We were actually on our way to the airport to fly to Washington DC and then drive up to the Finger Lake Region. My mom was with us for the 10 day vacation. It definitely gave us food for conversation during the flig...

Filled with Heart . He's Got Balls . The Party Continues . More Love . More Life . Laurie Pace

   © +Laurie Pace         Graphics One Design 2015  Heart Filled Size: 8 x 8  Acrylic on Canvas. Leave a comment to be eligible to win this painting. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Available Paintings by Laurie Pace  Follow me on Facebook           Sign up for my monthly studio newsletter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Late January rolls into February for our family. We have those continuing birthdays and I do not think I shared much on Morgan's birthday.  It fell on a Tuesday but we began celebrating on Saturday morning with breakfast as a family. The afternoon was at the Main Event in Grapevine. AKA Bowling!  Kelly (Morgan's Love and wife) planned a wonderful party and it was a huge family event with lots of food, drink and cake of course. I...

Love Heart . Scrapping away the Layers . Celebrating the Love of Parents . Hearts Forever . Laurie Pace

   © +Laurie Pace         Graphics One Design 2015 Love Heart  Size: 8 x 10 x 2  Acrylic on Canvas. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Available Paintings by Laurie Pace  Follow me on Facebook           Sign up for my monthly studio newsletter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Love stories. Cannot get through this day today without acknowledging the love of my parents. My Dad died two years ago, but this day is engraved in my heart; it is the day my parents married.  Their love story is private, but I can share they were deeply in love. They went to the same church together before they dated and fell in love. After they married my dad was in service with the Army. They traveled in the beginning and later settled back into life in the St Louis area. Dad gradu...