Hearts for Hospice Mt Pleasant Charity Ball. Heart Painting and Music Painting on Auction to raise funds for Cypress Basin Hospice. Paintings by Laurie Pace
10 x 10 Mixed Media on Canvas
Click here to Contact to place a silent auction bid.
Make sure you mention HEART PAINTING for Cypress Basin Hospice.
Will explain below the cause!
Click here to Contact to place a silent auction bid.
Make sure you mention HEART PAINTING for Cypress Basin Hospice.
Will explain below the cause!
Contact me to commission a set of hearts for your sweetie for Valentines Day. Laurie
© Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 2011
© Laurie Justus Pace Graphics One Design 2011
This is the other donated painting for the auction. It is a live auction but if you want to place a bid, contact Karen. Tell her in the email it is for the music painting. This painting includes a beautiful custom frame.
Those of you that follow my blog know that Hospice means much to us after the death of my father-in-law Ben Pace. Hospice is no longer just care at the end in the last six weeks of life. Hospice today is care for all levels of need and is in place for the comfort of the patient at all times. Hospice is family based for quality end of life care that provides compassion, dignity, independence and respect. Many patients go on Hospice that provides care once or twice a week and stay at that level until the need arises to go to 24 hour care.
Terry and I support this beautiful transition that is available for families dealing with life limiting illness that strike their loved ones. His father Ben was a picture of health and once his breathing issues surfaced, it was only about a year longer that he lived and the last two months were a nightmare for him.
Here is a bit of information about this specific event in Mt Pleasant Texas. It is an honor to be apart of this fundraiser.
Hearts for Hospice Ball
“The social event of the year for this part of Northeast Texas”, is how one guest describes the most successful fundraiser for Cypress Basin Hospice. This “Black Tie Optional” event is held on the first Saturday in February and is presented by an all volunteer
group of individuals from the communities served by the Cypress Basin Hospice. Mark Scirto, a well known Tyler celebrity, and meteorologist serves as the Master of Ceremonies. The prestigious evening includes a catered meal, action packed silent and live auctions, and live music from the “Grateful Geezers”, a Houston band who has performed at this event since 2006. Tickets can be purchased through the Cypress Basin Hospice office after January 1st. Don't delay as these tickets sell out fast; corporate sponsorships are also available.
DO NOT FORGET to stop by and visit: http://justplainsweetforyou.blogspot.com. My daughter Stacey Beth has her yummy snickerdoodle recipe up today. Makes me hungry for a cup of hot tea and some of her snickerdoodles. Love you Stacey Beth!
“Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.” - 1 John 4:20-21