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Falling Colors ~ Autumn Trees Landscape by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 24 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas Contemporary Art for the Home It is Friday. Morgan is coming to paint both today and tomorrow, and for those of you that always laugh about my food and eating out...TODAY IS LONESOME SPUR NIGHT. Absolutely the best hamburgers in Texas. I cannot wait. I literally will stay focused on this all day today in anticipation. Did I ever mention their unusual onion rings? I love onion rings and to this date no one does them better than Dairy Queen, except Lonesome Spur. They put some green spice in it (Basil? I have zero idea) but those onions rings are fabulous. Meanwhile back to painting. I finished this landscape yesterday and it is already sold. FRESH FRESH colors make you want to take a walk through the trees in Central Park new York. But waking this morning it is 48 degrees outside. I have every EVERY window open in the house I can open...isn't brrr wonderful? Today I am gra
AGGRAVATING ITCH ~ Horse Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 4 x 6 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas Contemporary Art for the Home Good Thursday morning. I did two small pieces yesterday and this is one. I only wish I could photograph it better, hard to get this small guys with out shine. His detail is actually pretty good, you just can't see it! Check out two more blogs up. They are new magazines that I am helping with as a visiting writer...both are geared to the west. She's Out West Magazine and Open Range Magazine . My artwork will be featured in the first edition of She's Out West! You might want to order that issue at least, but I know their subscription rates are good. Open Range is on it's third publication and She's Out West will premier this December. Do you feel your divine potential is a natural way of life for you? That is a deep question. Are you doing/working at something that feeds you back to life...nourishing you and satisfying you? God ha
Catching the Gaze ~ Horse Painting By Laurie Justus Pace 15 X 30 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas Contemporary Art for the Home Wednesday is WORK WORK WORK day. I am back in the studio and running hard. Hopefully no interruptions until I get things underway. When I hit Wednesday I do not even eat until I have started a major amt of work that needs to be done. This piece was inspired by a close up from a larger piece. I had wanted to paint it several weeks ago, but had not had time until now. Vivid bold colors adorn this one. Yesterday was rather restful for me. I spent the afternoon alone at my moms. I tuned her harp and I worked on some book things on my laptop. We left Dallas to come home after traffic. Terry spent the day moving more equipment at his dads. He says still ONE MORE day to work next week to finish it off. He said when he was in the house (it is empty) he had a huge flashback to being very young when they moved in. He said they didn't have much furniture in the
Brownie ~ Horse Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 30 x 40 inches Acrylic on Gallery Wrap Canvas Contemporary Art for the Home It is Tuesday early. I am working on the Poppy painting going to Hong Kong to the SR Gallery. Then it is off to Dallas to finish up at Ben's house. We close on his house next Monday. This painting was full of energy and the colors of Santa Fe. Lots of Impasto and paint create layers and edges that pull on the motion of the knife. This is a short post for me today. Yesterday was full of boxing for Terry...four hours of it and then to Grapevine for shipping and into Dallas to Whole Foods. We did stop in between and eat at Main Stream...he had Salmon and I had Tilapia. Add steamed veggies and yum! I will leave you with a question for thought, Is it safe to look with in? Grace, Laurie "Who may ascend the hill of the LORD ? Who may stand in his holy place?He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is fa
Brilliant Roses ~ Rose Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 24 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas Contemporary Art for the Home SOLD Monday greets us with rain this morning. A cold front pushing through will lower our temps to the high eighties. I hope you found that amusing. We are so ready for at least one good one to push through. This painting is so thickly wet. I haven't painted this thick in awhile. The color is vibrant. There is not room for sad or depressed states around this baby...she makes you smile as she lights up your eyes. Terry and I had dinner and cowboys with our eldest son Justin and his girlfriend Jan. It was fun. I have not had the opportunity to relax and laugh as I did yesterday. I am not painting today either, so it will probably be Wednesday before I pick up a paint brush. Yesterday one of my buyers drove up from FtWorth to pick up his 18 x 60 inch painting. Problem was he was in a small pickup truck and it was cloudy and threatening rain! His d
Intrigue ~ Horse Equine Art by Laurie Justus Pace 30 x 30 inches Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas SOLD Contemporary Art for the Home I marked this sold because it is going to the gallery in Hong Kong, The SR Gallery. I have just finished up three pieces that will be mailed tomorrow and four more to go. I have really enjoyed working with this gallery owner. I did some commission pieces for her last spring. She does interior decorating as well. Cooperation has to be my topic this morning. I had a dog that did not want to cooperate last night. It was almost dusk and I asked Terry if we could take a walk, just the two of us with out the dogs. He eagerly agreed and we had a nice two mile walk. As we returned to the front yard we spotted a woman walking down the side road with her dog and the next thing we noted was our female grandmotherly dog darting out from the yard. HOW? Brendan had mowed and he told me the gates were latched and locked. Well the big gate is two swinging gates
SEASONS OF LIFE ~ Wild Life Art by Laurie Justus Pace 24 X 36 inches Oil on Canvas Contemporary Art for the Home AVAILABLE AT THE RARE GALLERY ~ JACKSON HOLE, WYOMING. Saturday morning finds me in the studio. I will be working on my pieces for the SR Gallery in Hong Kong. That is my weekend of painting! This piece above is for the RARE GALLERY in Jackson Hole Wyoming. It is piles of layers of color catching the sunlight in the field with grazing buffalo. Buffalo almost disappeared when the white man took over the west from the Indians. It is simply delightful to see buffalo grazing it here in Texas on a local ranch or in Colorado or the deep west. Take a deep breath this morning and allow the grace of the Lord to fill your lungs and spread through out your body. If you sit quietly and deep breath through about ten breaths, you will find yourself rested as if you napped and the rest you feel with in is His Grace sapping out the tension, the worries and the stress.
Flashes of Color ~ Abstract Horse Art by Laurie Justus Pace 24 X 36 inches Acrylic on Gallery Wrap Canvas Contemporary Art for the Home It's Friday. YEAH! I posted the above painting to show my work in acrylics. I had not done my pulls in acrylic before so this is the FIRST. Sometimes we are afraid or hesitant to step out try something new, so I did. I need to explore acrylics more. I was surprised by a phone call this week from a man named Rick Armstrong. My thanks to Diane for connecting us. Rick has a new gallery opening in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Diane is represented there as are some additional awesome artists. Rick had goggled my name and the first words from his mouth were, "You certainly have a web presence." He has invited me to be apart of the new gallery and I am sending work out on Monday. Here is the new website they are working on. Rare Gallery There are some interesting pieces and fascinating approaches. It is a gallery with great appeal. Last
Mini Peonies ~ Flowers in Art by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 18 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas Contemporary Art for the Home SOLD This is a small version of a larger painting I did this summer. I had to do a commission piece similar and I did this as a warm up to get into the right rhythm for the curls! Rhythm seems to be the key word here. Last night I woke to a rumble vibration deep in the earth. I have never felt anything like it before. At first I thought it was a train on the nearby track rumbling, but it was not. This was deeper in the earth and I could feel it just like you would a deep bass note taking over the foundation, the floor, the furniture etc. It ended and I began to relax and it hit again. I knew then I was not dreaming. I have NO idea what it was. I asked Terry this morning if it could have been the impact testing they do with all the gas wells out here in the country...he was not sure, but I know that the sound waves were strong and relentless. Life seems to be th
Buffalo Pull ~ Wildlife Art by Laurie Justus Pace 22 x 28 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas Contemporary Art for the Home SOLD It is early. Terry was not sleeping well and woke me at now it is almost four thirty and he is snoring away and I am wide awake. Figure it was a good time to blog. He worked physically too hard yesterday moving heavy refrigeration equipment at his dad's house. I am concerned he has hurt himself. The house is under contract and we have but 11 days to finish cleaning out the remainder of the garage. Our second concern is his dad working over there too much as well. I believe Terry is way over tired. This is a buffalo pull with oils. Painted from pictures I took this summer. Painted with the same patterns of pulling the paint and finding what flows from the set up. Somehow that seems to be life as much happening and pulling around us and since we have such little control, we have to make life out of what is around us. There are sea
Stay tuned for my Blog. ...I am out the door to Dallas and will finish this once I am there. This is RED AND BLUE.....more to come, tune back in around nine thirty central time!. Laurie
Wyoming Moose ~ Wild Life Art by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 24 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas Contemporary Art for your Home. SOLD SOLD SOLD This moose is for Tom in Wyoming. He is the one that sent the list that brought on the Mountain Goat yesterday. Moose was number three on the list. I have not painted number two yet. Goat was number one. Hesitant because I have only painted three moose in my career...I stepped out and hit it with the same way I would a horse and I hope it worked. Well, my father in law's home has contract offers. We will be packing to ship early this morning and then hitting the road to get in to Dallas to do paperwork with him. Then tomorrow we will be back to finish or hopefully finish cleaning out the garage. My poor husband still has a huge task in front of him with that. His brother Howard was over there on Sunday digging out a path just to get in the garage. If you live in Dallas or Fort Worth and need any of the following email me by this afte