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Showing posts with the label Abstract horse art
IN THE DARK OF NIGHT Abstract Horse Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 24 x 2 Acrylic Overlays with Varnish Inquiries: Laurie Appropriate painting I do believe... but it is day time and just past nine. I am suppose to be at the framer, was to be there six minutes ago, so this is a very very short blog. I have over 25 emails wanting to know about the bed. The Bed is WONDERFUL. We slept like logs... and woke happily...but a bit late! The only ONLY negative is the mattress is short. We have a huge four poster bed and are used to the big deep mattress set we had. Our mattress sits very very low. I am hoping Terry can figure out something to rig to bring it up higher. I feel like I could slip through between the back of the bed and the mattress with the hole that is there!!! I high recommend the bed after one night, but we need to see after two or three nights! I like the verse I chose to include today. Think about the words and see what you think. As a human we would have a dif
Primary Colors Horse Art by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 24 inches Acrylic on Canvas Contact me for information: Laurie Quick post and out the door to see and take pictures at the house that has the large paintings in. I will try and take pictures of the paintings. I exploded on the painting above with all the primary colors. It seems a bit raw, bright and edgy but it got some energy out of my system. Sometimes you have to break what you normally do and do something else! This was it. Know you rest in God's care today and release what you can to him. Drop that worry and let yourself rest in His peace. Give a smile to those your work with today and let your light brighten their day. Grace, Laurie “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11
OVER THE RAINBOW Contemporary Horse Art by Laurie Justus Pace 30 X 30 inches Oil on Canvas SOLD on Daily Painters. Thanks for your support of the self representing artist! Contact me to purchase, mention the name of the painting. Laurie Hummm, yesterday was another two Klondike days. But I am surviving! Today is finish up and move forward day. Today I will finish a commission painting for a new collector in Canada and a small mothers day gift for another collector for her mother. Slated later this week is a the finish of a portrait for a family friend. In between...paint paint paint, clean house, do wash and finish planting annuals! I spent some time on the phone late yesterday with Wendy Rogers at the new gallery in Atascadero, California. The Red Tree Gallery is open and been received warmly by the town and the surrounding areas. Wendy has exciting plans of many cultural events and shows for the next few months. I am hoping Terry and I can hop a flight out to visit and see it
HORSE IN DEPTH - Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 24 x 2 inches Oil on Canvas Contact me for pricing: Email: Laurie The sound of the shovel at the side door tells me Terry is outside digging down the last inches for the plumber. We are in prayer he arrives sometime today to do this work. There is hope, there is a light...there will be heat. This painting I finished up yesterday. Very thick paint as you can tell from the ridges. He is a strong horse, but still young. Hoping he finds a good home! I did get a wonderfully warm shower at Mom's yesterday. She picked me up. I think I drained the back waterheater as I stood in the shower and allowed the hot water to seep into my bones. Washing my hair was a treat and I even put on make up! WOW...almost human. But Morgan arrived just minutes later and we were back in the cold house. Spent the afternoon painting and watching Morgan paint. Here is his from Yesterday: If you are interested in this one, let me know too. I
Dancing in the Moonlight ~ Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace Oil on Canvas, 18 x 27 inches SOLD Thanks for Supporting Daily Painters. I have been TAGGED! I HAVE BEEN TAGGED~ By Diane Whitehead ART OUT WEST Here are the rules: 1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog. 2. Share 5 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird. 3. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. 4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog Some fun facts about me 1. I am from a family of three children, I am the only girl, middle child! Originally I hail from St Louis but most of my adult life has been spent in Texas. 2. I graduated with a degree in commercial art, worked 9 years in an advertising agency and taught art for several years before becoming a full time artist. 3. I love to paint, play my guitar, my piano, read and do Cross Stitch. 4. I own my own company, Graphics One Design, dba and have ta
INDIAN PONY RUN ~ Abstract Horse Original Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 18 x 27 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas Contact me for Pricing. It is afternoon...I Left so early this morning I did not blog. I was up at four working on the rewrites of my PAINTED PONY 2nd edition book which is now available! Contact me for your copy if you want me to order and sign it before it comes to you. This painting is a bit more whimsical. I had this need to paint with values of green and from that need came this unusual flighty free painting. Stacey and I made a trip into Dallas this morning and did the hair and make up thing. I am exhausted but determined to finish one of two commission pieces promised out this weekend. I will be lashed to the easel tomorrow. Small posting today. Pray for those you love and know they rest in the arms of the Lord. Laurie “But as for me, my prayer is to you, O Lord. At an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of your steadfast love, answer me.”—Psalm 69:13
DAWN RUN ~ Horse Oil Painting By Laurie Justus Pace 24 x 30 inches Oil on Canvas Contemporary Art for the Home. CONTACT ME for pricing or commission work. Do you know what is in the back of the closet at your house? Well, I found this treasure when packing up for the new house. Painted in 2005, I pulled this beauty out and touched up the paint and varnished it to sell. I didn't even know it was in there. Go figure. What is in the back of the closet at your house? Okay, I have to stick in my Tail (Tale) wagger today. Morgan was over painting yesterday and I was finishing up some tar gel on a large 30 x 30 inch painting. The painting was in the corner of the studio drying. Morgan and Hillary left with their baby dog, my female grand-dog. My male dog, Paddy, was intensely jealous. We always have to keep them separated and it was difficult with the wet cold weather, Paddy didn't want to be outside or behind a closed door. SO when he was loose finally he tore through the
Canadian Summer ~ Abstract Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 30 x 40 x 2 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas SOLD COMMISSION PIECE You might think you are seeing double. I did a similar piece about three weeks ago called Waterside. It was 30 x 30 inches. This collector saw it and wanted a large version for his restaurant in Canada. I finished it last night and took pics before I headed to bed. I have not even sent him the pics yet! It is Saturday after Thanksgiving. I am still praying, painting, posting, packing and preparing. The Five P's you might say. Last night I packed up 2/3rds of the clothes in my closet and I can actually walk into it and find things. I heard from the decorator Gallery owner of the SR Gallery in Hong Kong. They are doing a feature article on my artwork for their winter news magazine....everything there is so clean, neat, uncomplicated and simple. I sent her pics of the new house and begged for suggestions. I must simplify. Here in the United S
MAKE OVER ~ Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 30 x 40 inches Oil on Canvas Contemporary Art for your Home Wednesday morning is dawning and I am ready to tear into my canvas. This will be a short blog most likely. Not even sure where I am going with this today. This painting had a make over. It was an acrylic and not real lively in color, so we had a major make over on Saturday. It is HUGE....30 x 40 inches of life and movement. Contact me if you would like it in your home. I will make a good price on this one! Yesterday I encouraged to fill your day and life with Joy. Today I want you to appreciate abundance...what is abundant in your life? (No you cannot count your problems...count your blessings.) Abundance in my life is the love of my husband and family. Abundance in my life would be the gift of my art. Abundance is the world around me provided freely by my Lord. Your blessings, joys and inspirations that make up your abundance are all part of His plan in your life. None
TURN ABOUT IS FAIR PLAY ~ Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace 30 x 30 inches Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas Contemporary Art for the Home Friday dawns with a possible sale on our home. This is good, EXCEPT there has been no postcard from heaven on direction on where we are to go. NOT even those darn detour signs. Morgan is do over early this morning and we meet the buyers to sign the paper work. Once that is done I will be house hunting...but I do not know where. Kathy, send all available info to search your area! This painting was a huge HUGE joy to paint. It came out of nowhere and it has such an attitude. I hope you enjoy seeing it this morning. The colors are my favorites and the composition and balance just rolled in as the painting appeared on the surface. Wish they were all this fun! You know despite the unknown at this moment, there is a peace lingering in my heart and a tiny bit of anticipation of what the Lord has ahead. Terry and I need to stay out of the way and let
Intrigue ~ Horse Equine Art by Laurie Justus Pace 30 x 30 inches Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas SOLD Contemporary Art for the Home I marked this sold because it is going to the gallery in Hong Kong, The SR Gallery. I have just finished up three pieces that will be mailed tomorrow and four more to go. I have really enjoyed working with this gallery owner. I did some commission pieces for her last spring. She does interior decorating as well. Cooperation has to be my topic this morning. I had a dog that did not want to cooperate last night. It was almost dusk and I asked Terry if we could take a walk, just the two of us with out the dogs. He eagerly agreed and we had a nice two mile walk. As we returned to the front yard we spotted a woman walking down the side road with her dog and the next thing we noted was our female grandmotherly dog darting out from the yard. HOW? Brendan had mowed and he told me the gates were latched and locked. Well the big gate is two swinging gates